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BOL Breakdown Week 3

Hey everyone its CTRL ULT ELITE here once again. Sorry that this is getting out so late and a little barebones but I had a very hectic work week and only had a few hours to write things this week. I have done my best to get every match of the week predictions done and a lane to watch. I was unable to look at every draft this week and write about them but I hope everyone enjoys the articles nevertheless. Interviews still seem to be a hit and I am glad everyone is enjoying them. Just a reminder that next week I am going to be doing power rankings again so no interviews this week. Hopefully you all enjoy them and this week's article.

Here are the updated standings for Shurmia as of the end of week 2. You can find them at

Master McNasty vs TA Capybara

Prediction 2-1 for Master McNasty

Lane to Watch: Mid

So if you have not heard, Kaiten(the former mid of TAC) was found guilty of smurfing and has been banned from just about every league. As a result their week 2 win has been overturned and TAC now sits at 0 points making it very hard to reach playoffs. My biggest worry for TAC and why I do not think they will win this week is how they won last week. Last week the series TAC won 2-0 was relying on mid to carry. They played Seraphine lanes twice in a row and they are very powerful but someone on your team needs to step up. Masoof in top was doing much better than in week 1 and maybe they are the player to step up? I imagine you new mid laner is going to come into this series and you will not play this way. For MMN you guys had a great bounce back crushing GEE in week 2. This series is going to be a real test. You have played the complete opposite ends of the spectrum of Shurmia playing the team I think is coming 1st and the team I think is coming 8th. It's up to you to ride the momentum and take another week. The lane to watch this series is obviously Mid. TAC are going to have a new player here and we need to see how well they can mesh with the rest of their team.

New World Esports Orion VS GE Emerald

Prediction 2-0 for NWEO

Lane to Watch: Jungle

I feel this is a pretty easy 2-0 prediction. GE Emerald is having a rough start to our season sitting at 0-2 and NWEO are currently 2-0 in match score. Looking at team stats back up my theory GE Emerald has just the worst stats right now in the league. A sub 1.0 KDA as a team is so crazy low it is almost impressive, same as failing to get a tower a game so far. For NWEO you have great stats as a team this should be an easy 2-0 on your way to playoffs losing a game here would be catastrophic. As far as the lane to watch I am just going to pick one as NWEO has 3 players in the top 15 currently. I am going with the jungle. Denali the King for NWEO is a top 10 player right now and has been given counter pick in draft which is unusual for a jungler. On the other side of the Rift Snakevenom645 for GEE has the most kills a game on his team. I pray your mental stays strong and you can facilitate early advantages for your lanes to get some wins.

Drafts for GEE:G1 Pick/Ban: (missing pick was swain) G2 Pick/Ban:

So draft this week gets a C- from me. Game 1 I think your draft starts pretty strong. Kai’Sa is a great 1st pick and you get a good answer into Sej with Trundle. I think Lulu was a mistake here into the Nautilus. Kai”sa needs hard CC all of her best winrate duos are melee supports. Nautilus also struggles really hard against other melee supports and he crushes ranged matchups like Lulu. Swain and Kennen I do not get whatsoever Your team needs waveclear and you have very little drafted and no real way to start a fight. What on earth is this team comp trying to do? Teamfight? I guess looking at the data it is a really hard Ryze counter but Ryze has like 4 winning matchups. You are relying entirely on Kennen Flanks. I feel like playing any control mage mid was winning here. Kennen blind I also disagree a lot with. Kennen is better mid than top and has been forever. Kennen just folds to any sort of engage/sustain which the top lane is full of. This whole team revolves around Kennen and he is in a losing match and you have a losing 2v2 top this game is almost over before it even began. Your game 2 draft is all about teamfights but you have 0 winning lanes/early pressure and you get run over. I like the 1st 2 picks, the rest of the draft is just not it. Why take Vlad blind when you have Annie flex shown? Why not save a counter pick for top or mid instead of last picking a Zeri who has no real help in fights. Again winning lanes and clear team ideas is what you are trying to get from the draft.

So draft wise week 2 NWEO gets a B from me. So game 1 your comp is fucking wild. It also sucks a lot it's what dragged your score down the most. I like the other 2 team comps you end up with. So problems for game 1 are as follows. You have like 4 champions that are trying to get every bit of farm they can scrounge up. Veigar, Vayne, Vegio and Illaoi are all characters that normally steal farm from their teammates to get themsles ahead. If you have more than 2 of these it does not work. There are too many chefs and not enough cooks in a kitchen sort of situation. Uh problem 2 of this draft is you have no way to start a fight you are relying on split and if Illaoi falls behind to Jax she gets absolutely blasted. Viego also does not really have anywhere to gank. Top and bot is losing, Mid Veigar does not have the damage early game to actually secure kills. Game 2 draft goes back to more basic comps. This comp actually makes a fair amount of sense and I like it despite your pick order which I hate. I really dislike the Jinx 2nd pick why not go for jungle here? You can draft mid counter but why show how bot lane is going to go? I am also not sure why you took Camille round 3 blind. I guess with banning her counters she is somewhat safe but why not just take her in round 5 as an actual counter pick? Like you left jungle as the counter pick and it's a whatever matchup. Game 3 again draft is interesting. You end up with a pretty great comp again. I just do not like the pick order. Why are these 2 teams trading mids blind? Syndra blind on 3 that should have been punished by FC instead of taking a random scale for later matchup. I guess you guys feel that Denali is the most important player on this team for counter and fair enough I guess he is one of best players right now.

Oblivion Esports Ruby VS TE Abyss

Prediction 2-0 for Oblivion Esports Ruby

Lane to Watch: Bot

Coming into week 3 we have a 2-0 team in Oblivion Esports Ruby vs the 0-2 TE Abyss. With Ruby getting their 2nd win awarded to them. TE Abyss are having a much weaker start to the split than I thought they would. Ruby on the other hand are currently blowing my expectations away. Despite originally getting 2-0 and that getting overturned looking at the game stats game 2 was very close and came down to a backdoor play. Ruby are playing well together and drafting well. Looking at the stats for Abyss they are doing fine when it comes to fighting you just need to improve your macro. Something easy enough to say but it is hard to do. Find your team leader and listen and commit to what they say and things will go better. As far as the lane to watch I think it is still bot lane. Ravensman still had very impressive stats in their 2nd series, maybe they can keep up the numbers I thought were unsustainable.

First Class VS Shadowz Plat

Prediction 2-1 for Shadowz Plat

Lane to Watch: Top

Weird to come into a week where I have predicted SHZ to win both in BOL and CCS. But guys you have my faith. Please do not misplace it. I do not think that this will be an easy win or anything but you should take this series. SHZ have the fastest average game time out of every team that's undefeated in BOL they are winning cleanly and decisively macro wise. It looks like every game you play is almost a kill a minute. Laning and fighting wise I have FC to take a game because SHZ is tied for the most deaths a game out of every team with GEE. Dying 25 times in 30 minutes as a team is a crazy stat.. That is going to lead to throws. You can take the lead right back by fighting but it will lead to throws for sure. Top lane is the lane to watch this series. Yung Rat has been popping off with his counter picks and FC Bruiser is also playing to fight with picks on aggressive fighters like Darius and Jax.


Here are the updated standings for Targon as of the end of week 2. You can find them at

Cb Rangers VS Xg Lightning

Prediction 2-0 for XG

Lane to Watch: Top

XGL lost last week which I was not expecting whatsoever but I still have them to win this series this week 2-0 over the CB Rangers. CBR and GPO had to reschedule their game last week so the only thing we have seen out of CBR so far was their 1st series that was a pretty resounding defeat. At least for XGL they went 1-2 last week and had 2 very close games. As far as team stats go XGL still has very impressive neutral objective stats: 3.2 dragons a game is tied for the highest in all of BOL and 6 towers a game is a pretty decent sum. Juiceboxx is also still a top 10 player right now in bot lane and I expect them to dominate this week as well. As far as the lane to watch, I would concentrate on the top lane this week. Cramma for CBR had the best showing for his team in week 1 playing more top lane style carries with games on Jax and Morde. XG Kartanah the top laner for XGL last week was more on tank duty playing Gragas, Ornn and Sejuani. It will be interesting to see if he can stop Cramma from getting a lead and enabling his team in teamfights.

Elysium Blaze VS Dorado Gaming Nu Streamed Games

Prediction 2-1 for Elysium Blaze

Lane to Watch:

The streamed match of the week for BOL Plat is an awesome choice this week(like it is every week). Elysium Blaze is one of 4 undefeated teams in match score. They play Dorado Gaming Nu who had a tough week 1 loss to their sister team and had a great bounce back against the Mystic Cats. Last week Elysium Blaze were able to win a very close series over XGL and this week they face another tough test to stay undefeated in Dorado Gaming Nu. ELY Blaze are my favorites to win this series. The main reason I think that ELYB are going to take this series is that they currently have the best KDA of every team in BOL Plat thanks to the fact that they average the least deaths a game of every team. They also have the current top 2 players in the entire league with Idrees and OPKillswtich. Macro wise ELYB and NU are evenly matched, both have very similar average game times(1 min apart), similar CS a game, and nearly identical dragons, barons and rift heralds.

Overall I give ELYB an A for their drafts in week 2. It is slightly lower as I think you guys had the best drafts overall in week 1 and this week I do not think you did. They are still really good though. So game 1 I think the biggest issue with your team is Zac. Zac is very powerful in the right scenarios but it is a risk blind. Zac has very few good gank setup targets this game and Zac needs to chain gank his clear speed is too slow. XGL also take Lilia someone who just powerfarms and is slippery enough to not die to the burst and out teamfights Zac due to their raw stats. Graves and also do this I like the rest of your team. I just think you should have swapped Lulu up to be paired with Zeri(you are always taking this duo) and get a better idea for your jungle matchup. Game 2 and 3 I have 0 complaints you guys drafted really well. Game 2 they have a lot of very powerful ults and hard engage and you adapt your team to be able to kite back and disengage. Ziggs and Morde were incredible picks and really saved the draft. Game 3 you guys again adapted very well in the later stages of draft. Sylas was absolutely insane. I cannot believe XGL left him up.

I am going to give NU a B for draft in week 2. Game 1 I think your draft is super smart. Your team is playing for picks and disengage and your opponent is playing for AOE all ins. You match everything that the Cats do in round 1, take a safe blind and a great counter picks. When CATS go in you guys have like 4 things to make sure you all live and then the AOE of having people clumped up lets you easily kill them all. You guys have good gank assist in most lanes. I think the Taric ban in round 1 is a mistake unless you guys know you are playing something like the Leona. Game 2 draft you guys are playing more of a teamfight comp this time around. I think the Wukong 1st pick was really good. My only real draft dislike here is the Sylas into Ori. As Sylas you have very few good ults to steal here? I guess Sivir is all the wave clear you really need and can just send sylas to the side lane. Zeri also looks like she has very little threat other than Renekton diving her?

So as far as the lane to watch is either mid or bot just because of ELYB. So for NU who is performing the best and looking to challenge our players at the top of the leaderboards? That would be swbf the ADC for NU who is currently ranked 13th. Both Idrees and swbf have played a different ADC every game this year so they are both highly adaptable in draft. Both of these ADCS are all over the top 10 board in kills per game, gold per minute, gold diff per game, highest CS a minute all the stats you want your ADC gold funnel to have. Both of these teams have played some very standard team comps and I think ADC’s are the lynchpin of the strategy. It does not matter how far a tank is ahead when you get an ADC to 3 items in modern league they can start to melt them.

Degenerates Exiles VS GP Oranges

Prediction 2-0 for Degenerates Exiles

Lane to Watch: Jungle

Degenerates Exiles are coming into this week off a rough 0-2 week vs SIGMA with DeathMasterPwnz2 in jungle instead of Shado and their ADC was in the hospital earlier that day. They got almost shut out in game 1 macro wise and lost before 30 minutes. Game 2 was much closer and they somehow lost the game after taking 5 dragons(so they got elder) to the 0 of Sigma. They play GP’s Oranges who have yet to play their week 2 match so I can only judge them based on their weak 1st series in week 1. And as I mentioned in my previous article GPO got stomped in their 1st series. They have some really bad team stats right now because of it so I hesitate to give them a win in my predictions. As far as the DEGE you guys have the fastest game time by a mile for the teams with an even on winning record so your lower neutral objectives, farm totals and gold is not as bad as it looks. I just think you need to trust your team and play to win and it will be smooth sailing. Having your full roster back together(hopefully) will make a huge difference this week so I am going to be looking at the jungle this week. Shado was phenomenal in week 1 for you.

Dorado Gaming Sigma VS Mystic Cats Black

Prediction 2-0 for Dorado Gaming Sigma

Lane to Watch: Jungle

Looking at the results of the 1st 2 weeks this is going to be by far the most 1 sided matchup of week 1. Sigma are 2-0 in match score and 4-0 in games they have not dropped a game. They have a team wide 4.33 KDA and lead most macro stats. The Mystic Cats are 0-2 in matches and have yet to win an individual game. They have a team KDA of 1.03 and their best stat as a team is 1.8 towers a game(they are 13th at this). If SIGMA does not 2-0 the Mystic Cats they have failed themselves and I will laugh at them. As far as the lane to watch its jungle. Banger is the number 3 player in the league and Sigma are leading the lead in macro plays.



Hey I hope everyone is enjoying these. If you have any ideas on questions for me to ask in other interviews chime in. Here is the graph of the multi kills. I am surprised that the vote was this close with how rare pentakills are in league (1 in 150 matches average). I personally thought the Penta was more impressive.

Master McNasty

Name, Role Team you play for. Ex CTRL ULT, Top for Basement Dwellers

Bongo Bong, Mid for Master McNasty

What's your team's record? Are you happy with how the split is going so far? Why do you have your record?

1-1, 2-2 game score. The split is going well. Our first week was a little rough, as our team was new and had limited comp experience, but we came back with an impressive second week.

What inspired you to start playing in these amateur League of Legends leagues tournaments?

We've all been playing together for a while now and just wanted a new challenge. We wanted to come into some amateur leagues and show these big orgs how it's done.

How often does your team practice together, and what does a typical practice session look like?

At least 2 times a week, sometimes up to 5 if we have time. Usually a block of scrims, vod reviews, and maybe some flex queue.

How do you balance practicing and competing with other aspects of your life, such as school or work?

Have to make every moment count. Every solo queue game and practice needs a purpose since we only have a couple of hours a day to play (if that).

If you had to describe your team's playing style in three words, what would they be? Apparently 2 was enough for Bongo Bong

Aggressive. Efficient.

Do you think there is a strongest team in your division? Who are they and why are they the strongest?

Master McNasty (us). We play aggressively, have great synergy, and have creative drafts. And our coach is the best in the league.

Xayah has the highest Pick Ban in our league appearing in 85% of all drafts/games and has a 50% winrate. What are your thoughts on her in the current meta?

Broken. She's virtually unkillable unless she REALLY messes up, and the new items/attack speed buffs mean she deals insane damage even though she's supposed to be a utility adc.

What is most impressive among the multi kill leaders?

1 Penta for Ravensman in 4 games

Silly questions start here

If you were given a million dollars but had to spend it all in one day, what would you buy?(no stocks/bonds/ traditional investment tools like gold or real estate)

An Island

If you could have any superpower but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?

Ability to come up with clever google form interview answers.

Hobbies outside of League/Gaming?


TA Capybara

Name, Role Team you play for. Ex CTRL ULT, Top for Basement Dwellers

masoof top for TA capybara

What's your team's record? Are you happy with how the split is going so far? Why do you have your record? Oof on this.

1-1. I can’t complain but I wish we had won our week 1 game.

What inspired you to start playing in these amateur League of Legends leagues tournaments?

The first comp league I played was collegiate and our mid offered to send me some discords that were doing tryouts after our collegiate team stopped playing together.

How often does your team practice together, and what does a typical practice session look like?

We scrim once a week, usually a 3 block. Also normal game discussion before/after sets.

How do you balance practicing and competing with other aspects of your life, such as school or work?

I only commit two nights of my week to league so I have plenty of time for everything else

If you had to describe your team's playing style in three words, what would they be?

bot lane kittens

Do you think there is a strongest team in your division? Who are they and why are they the strongest?

i don’t know any of the teams in my division enough yet

Xayah has the highest Pick Ban in our league appearing in 85% of all drafts/games and has a 50% winrate. What are your thoughts on her in the current meta?

shes a perma ban for us, too hard to deal with because of her utility + damage

What is most impressive among the multi kill leaders?

Boogie has 10 Double Kills in 5 games(2 a game)

Silly questions start here

If you were given a million dollars but had to spend it all in one day, what would you buy?(no stocks/bonds/ traditional investment tools like gold or real estate)

A house if I’m allowed to buy it for myself and not an investment. Probably a nicer car for me, maybe my girlfriend as well because hers is a few years old. My sister just got her license so her as well.

If you could have any superpower but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?

the power to not have cold hands and feet

Hobbies outside of League/Gaming?

I like rock climbing and going to the gym

New World Esports Orion

Name, Role Team you play for. Ex CTRL ULT, Top for Basement Dwellers

Ziyk, Top for new orions

Whats your teams record? Are you happy with how the split is going so far? Why do you have your record?

2-0, decently happy, we won more

What inspired you to start playing in these amateur League of Legends leagues tournaments?

Got bored of solo q, friend asked me to sub in for a game, felt fun

How often does your team practice together, and what does a typical practice session look like?

We haven’t had practice in like 2 weeks, the games ARE practice

How do you balance practicing and competing with other aspects of your life, such as school or work?

HAHA it’s fking doomed idk how im surviving

If you had to describe your team's playing style in three words, what would they be?

Win. The. Game.

Do you think there is a strongest team in your division? Who are they and why are they the strongest?

Not sure, I don’t really know how good they are

Xayah has the highest Pick Ban in our league appearing in 85% of all drafts/games and has a 50% winrate. What are your thoughts on her in the current meta?

i play camille boom chogath r die

What is most impressive among the multi kill leaders?

Boogie has 10 Double Kills in 5 games(2 a game)

Silly questions start here

If you were given a million dollars but had to spend it all in one day, what would you buy?(no stocks/bonds/ traditional investment tools like gold or real estate)

Can’t I buy stuff then sell them tho? If yes then, just a million dollars worth of anything that won’t depreciate in a day. I might be arrested after the money disappears tho so… If no then, first a PC, streamer set up maybe :) a small house and then prepay the payment for like 50 years or smt, and the rest on food, water.

If you could have any superpower but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?

The ability to change percentages by 0.00001, like how likely something is about to happen. (this kinda op tho)

Hobbies outside of League/Gaming?

Art, Graphic Design, Calc

Ge Emerald

Name, Role Team you play for. Ex CTRL ULT, Top for Basement Dwellers

aesthetics | Support for GE Emerald

Whats your teams record? Are you happy with how the split is going so far? Why do you have your record?

Our current record is 0-2. It’s not an ideal start to the season, but I can’t say I’m very surprised. Our team just formed for the season, so we haven’t had a chance (at least in comparison to other teams in the league) to practice as 5 and figure out what works for us. All things considered, I’m not mad so far with how the split is going. We knew going into the Platinum league that it was going to be difficult and we may very well get stomped and not get very far, but even so we’re just doing our best given our current circumstances so I’m content with that.

What inspired you to start playing in these amateur League of Legends leagues tournaments?

Our team is ran and funded through a college organization, so initially I became inspired to play on team from that. Up until college, I had only ever played solo queue so I wanted to see what it was like playing on a team in an amateur league. I played in BOL in the Platinum League during BOL Season 5 under the name LethalLevi and quickly learned that team play is way different from solo queue lol. Gonna be honest that whole experience kind of made me mental boom and with my college studies absorbing most of my time anyway I took a break from League and didn’t invest as much time into it as I used to. I started getting back into it recently and upon learning our college organization needed a support for the team for the season, I thought I’d give team play through BOL another shot.

How often does your team practice together, and what does a typical practice session look like?

At the moment we don’t have set practices. We’re all college students, so it can be tricky finding a time where we are all available. We try to practice as much as possible, usually at least 1-2 times a week, but more if we are able it just kind of depends from week to week. We always try to do a vod review of our games from the matches the week prior, and generally use our practice time to scrim against other teams through Gankster or just practice champions and comps we want to play/run in BOL.

How do you balance practicing and competing with other aspects of your life, such as school or work?

I don’t LOL. Kidding, but honestly, I think anyone in college who also works a part time job and also wants a social life can tell you it’s very much a work in progress. I value my health alot, so as long as I am doing what I need to do to ensure I am healthy (getting enough sleep, eating good foods, exercising, etc.) the crunch of having all those responsibilities usually don’t weigh me down too much. I definitely know it’s not for everyone though- it’s not easy to balance them all at once.

If you had to describe your team's playing style in three words, what would they be?

Goofy, Chaotic, and Passive 🥸

Do you think there is a strongest team in your division? Who are they and why are they the strongest?

Gonna be real honest with you, aesthetics has not been doing her homework and checking out the teams in the league, so I can really only speak on the ones I have played against so far. I’d say Oblivion Esports Ruby has a good shot at being one of the strongest teams, so I’ll vote for them! They played a Varus/Lux combo into us that was pretty nuts so they have my respect. Definitely a solid team in my book, but yeah, I also may not be the best source on the matter so 🤷🏻‍♀️

Xayah has the highest Pick Ban in our league appearing in 85% of all drafts/games and has a 50% winrate. What are your thoughts on her in the current meta?

I told my team we should run Xayah and Rakan bot lane and we got gapped so idk 💀

I think on paper she’s really strong and is overall a really strong champ so long as she has a team that can prepare her for success. (No flame intended to my team, only love, we did our best 😆💕)

What is most impressive among the multi kill leaders?

Boogie has 10 Double Kills in 5 games(2 a game)

Silly questions start here

If you were given a million dollars but had to spend it all in one day, what would you buy?(no stocks/bonds/ traditional investment tools like gold or real estate)

I’m pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education and Child Development, so I would definitely use those funds to begin construction plans for a high quality child development laboratory school where children from various socioeconomic backgrounds can receive high quality education and I can conduct research to better inform best practices for the field.

If you could have any superpower but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?

Communicating with my cats or animals in general- I want to hear their thoughts 🤭

Hobbies outside of League/Gaming? If you read this, tag me with something to read. I devour fantasy/sci fi novels. I read about 50 books a year and am always on the lookout for recommendations.

I’m heavily invested and passionate about my academics, so I would consider that my biggest hobby outside of gaming at the moment. Other hobbies would be cooking, reading, hanging with my cats and watching TV. Sorry, I’m pretty boring 🥸

Oblivion Esports Ruby

Name, Role Team you play for. Ex CTRL ULT, Top for Basement Dwellers

Ravensman, ADC for Oblivion Ruby

Whats your teams record? Are you happy with how the split is going so far? Why do you have your record?

2-0, happy with the split obviously one of our wins is a overturn against TA Capybara for the Kaiten ruling but we played really well in a banger game 2 and I think if we were able to win game 2 without being backdoored we could have won game 3.

What inspired you to start playing in these amateur League of Legends leagues tournaments?

Competition from ~8 years ago. I have always been into sports and competition so this was natural for a game I was really enjoying.

How often does your team practice together, and what does a typical practice session look like?

We practice once a week, before the season started it was twice a week. Usually a 3 block on Fridays but a lot of us play soloQ together too.

How do you balance practicing and competing with other aspects of your life, such as school or work?

I work 9-530 each week so it's just natural that I have free time at nights and I've been out of school for over a year so I find it pretty easy and obviously since I've done it for so long I have a lot of practice on balancing.

If you had to describe your team's playing style in three words, what would they be?

I'd say these words more can describe us at any one given moment but usually not all at once : Calm, Hectic, Memers

Do you think there is a strongest team in your division? Who are they and why are they the strongest?

I honestly haven't looked, we tend to take each week one week at a time so I haven't really looked ahead. I think we have the potential to be a strong team but just going off standings Master Mcnasty looks like they could be pretty good. Time will tell.

Xayah has the highest Pick Ban in our league appearing in 85% of all drafts/games and has a 50% winrate. What are your thoughts on her in the current meta?

Uh after her nerfs I think she's fine, she's just really punishing at this elo because people have had 'kill ADC' engraved in their memory since they started playing so people tend to look for the first allowing her to get optimal feather placement and rip back for lots of damage. I think she's definitely good but after the nerfs her strength might be a product of the muscle memory built up for a lot of the playerbase.

What is most impressive among the multi kill leaders?

1 Penta for Ravensman in 4 games

Silly questions start here

If you were given a million dollars but had to spend it all in one day, what would you buy?(no stocks/bonds/ traditional investment tools like gold or real estate)

Probably a house

If you could have any superpower but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?

I've seen this question asked a lot on like reddit and the common options are like teleport 5 feet or see .5 seconds into the future. I would take the teleporting 5 feet

Hobbies outside of League/Gaming?

Data stuff, running another LoL tournament / league, football and league esports

TE Abyss

No one filled out the form on this team.

First Class

Name, Role Team you play for. Ex CTRL ULT, Top for Basement Dwellers

Fc Solem for First Class

Whats your teams record? Are you happy with how the split is going so far? Why do you have your record?


What inspired you to start playing in these amateur League of Legends leagues tournaments?

I have always been a loser and a nerd. But playing in these leagues gives me a chance to feel like im in the big league. Playing in these leagues boosts my self esteem enough for me to socialize with the opposite gender.

How often does your team practice together, and what does a typical practice session look like?

1-2 times a week. We all try hard in scrims and make fun of our support player

How do you balance practicing and competing with other aspects of your life, such as school or work?

We just don't practice that much so its no biggie

If you had to describe your team's playing style in three words, what would they be?

Just, Be, Better

Do you think there is a strongest team in your division? Who are they and why are they the strongest? Note I have no idea who they are talking about.

prolly YSL. They have thugga

Xayah has the highest Pick Ban in our league appearing in 85% of all drafts/games and has a 50% winrate. What are your thoughts on her in the current meta?

I think shes broken rn. Keep her banned.

What is most impresive among the multi kill leaders?

Boogie has 10 Double Kills in 5 games(2 a game)

Silly questions start here

If you were given a million dollars but had to spend it all in one day, what would you buy?(no stocks/bonds/ traditional investment tools like gold or real estate)

Madison Beer

If you could have any superpower but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?

The ability to talk to women (I have no rizz)

Hobbies outside of League/Gaming? If you read this, tag me with something to read. I devour fantasy/sci fi novels. I read about 50 books a year and am always on the lookout for recommendations.

Chess/Book club, online coding classes

Shadowz Plat

Name, Role Team you play for. Ex CTRL ULT, Top for Basement Dwellers

Moowy (Mo), Mid, ShadowZ Plat

Archers eKitten Support ShadowZ

Whats your teams record? Are you happy with how the split is going so far? Why do you have your record?

4-1 I'm pretty happy with how the split is going, our team is performing very well here compared to how we're doing in CCS, I think mainly because I have a lot better synergy with this team with the support being Awoo (Archer's Ekitten) especially with his drafting, so the change in environment has really helped me get in the zone especially with his powerful shotcalling. (ily awoo)

2-0 we are literally the best team in BOL zzz

What inspired you to start playing in these amateur League of Legends leagues tournaments?

somene posted lf gold player after i just hit gold 4 , put me on a team im like o shi i love clash, nvm we in a league, i pentakill vs a rawr team, got poached and now i perma play league of legends

I'm just built different

How often does your team practice together, and what does a typical practice session look like?

We do not practice together often, tbh don't remember the last time (maybe a month ago) only if we feel like we really need it, but I play on a lot of other teams so i can get my individual practice from there.


How do you balance practicing and competing with other aspects of your life, such as school or work?

lmao I don't??

League is my life

If you had to describe your team's playing style in three words, what would they be?

Chimpanzee Ball Slap

flash press R

Do you think there is a strongest team in your divsion? Who are they and why are they the strongest?

ShadowZ Plat, I'm scared of htis team tbh very hyped to vs them tho, they are like the coolest people ever and their midlaner is goated af, I think they are the strongest because everyone can carry and like their midlaner is so cool and awesome and hype, and like their support is omega giga chad, and their adc name is archer so he doesn't miss and its like craaaaazy, I dont know man im just super scared to vs shadowz plat that team is the best in this league tbh.

no they're all dogs

Xayah has the highest Pick Ban in our league appearing in 85% of all drafts/games and has a 50% winrate. What are your thoughts on her in the current meta?

giga op broken champ, should be perma pick or ban, why tf are you not picking xayah (don't pick xayah just give it to us, pick like vayne :D)

just be better

What is most impressive among the multi kill leaders?

Boogie has 10 Double Kills in 5 games(2 a game)

Boogie has 10 Double Kills in 5 games(2 a game)

Silly questions start here

If you were given a million dollars but had to spend it all in one day, what would you buy?(no stocks/bonds/ traditional investment tools like gold or real estate)

a coach for my boosted ass jungler this mfkr is such an ape and maybe a pool so he can fit more champions in it :)

infinite waifu pillows

If you could have any superpower but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?

every super power is useful in some way so this question is stupid buuuuuuuut I would have to say everytime you take a shit the size will always be exactly 22.45 cm in length and 12cm in girth, every single time.

bungee gum

Hobbies outside of League/Gaming?

there's this really cool game called League Of Legends,

as well as cooking (cuz i cook all the other midlaners in this league)


CB Rangers

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XG lightning

Did not Fill out the form. Weird considering 3 of you guys did last week and you are so active posting in general.

Elysium Blaze

Name, Role Team you play for. Ex CTRL ULT, Top for Basement Dwellers

idrees adc for ely blaze

Whats your teams record? Are you happy with how the split is going so far? Why do you have your record?

2-0. Im glad about the result overall considering we have won 7 series in a row as a team. we have a high ceiling, but I dont think our gameplay is still all that amazing, we have a ways to go.

What inspired you to start playing in these amateur League of Legends leagues tournaments?

in my senior year of college i played collegiate since a friend of mine told me about someone starting back the program at our school. We were really good in collegiate and i met a lot of friends who i still talk to a lot these days. from there a year after graduating i got sucked back into amateur subbing for the team in PRL then I made my own team (mostly with old collegiate friends) and competed throughout 2022. Now I play on ELY

How often does your team practice together, and what does a typical practice session look like?

before we started BOL we scrimmed 1-2 times a week, now we scrim 0-1 it just depends on our schedules.

How do you balance practicing and competing with other aspects of your life, such as school or work?

not too hard my schedule is pretty chill

If you had to describe your team's playing style in three words, what would they be?

beta but win

Do you think there is a strongest team in your division? Who are they and why are they the strongest?

dorado sigma is probably the team for us to beat. After that I think its us. The rest probably dont matter

Xayah has the highest Pick Ban in our league appearing in 85% of all drafts/games and has a 50% winrate. What are your thoughts on her in the current meta?

Its difficult for teams to play into her because her anti engage. I dont think any of the xayahs i've seen play her well but she can still deny what some comps want so it leads to her being banned a lot.

What is most impresive among the multi kill leaders?

Boogie has 10 Double Kills in 5 games(2 a game)

Silly questions start here

If you were given a million dollars but had to spend it all in one day, what would you buy?(no stocks/bonds/ traditional investment tools like gold or real estate)

can i get collectibles as an investment like trading cards lol?

If you could have any superpower but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?

idk if its that useless i dont want it

Hobbies outside of League/Gaming?

tv/anime/manga, basketball, hiking / running , soccer

Dorado Gaming Nu

Name, Role Team you play for. Ex CTRL ULT, Top for Basement Dwellers

swbf, ADC for Dorado Gaming Nu

jasoncript5, Dorado Gaming Nu

Zend12, Support, Dorado Gaming Nu

Whats your teams record? Are you happy with how the split is going so far? Why do you have your record?

1-1 (2-2 game record). I'm content for now. Losing a winnable match is always painful but certainly helps manage expectations and give additional motivation.

1-1, I think we can be happy with how we won last week, the Sigma loss is definitely tough but every other team is full of nobodies so it's hard to have a good idea on how we will end. I think if we played Sigma later on in the split there definitely can be some upsets or difference in result though.

1-1 So far, so good. I'm still not familiar with every team, in BOL. But I had heard that the Cat weren't horrendous, and we folded them pretty easily. Losing to our sister team Sigma hurts, but they're great players, so no shame in that.

What inspired you to start playing in these amateur League of Legends leagues tournaments?

I originally played in a bunch of LAN events with a local team for a couple years and still wanted to continue competing.

I started playing in my freshman year of college when a challenger friend of mine on the school team recommended that I tryout for a gold team. The team sucked ass but I really like the community so I ended up staying around and now that I'm more established I really enjoy the banter and community.

the Comradery, for sure. Rooting for your org's team makes watching esports 10x more fun, and having an entire army at your back? It's an incredible feeling.

How often does your team practice together, and what does a typical practice session look like?

We scrim at least once a week in addition to our match. I don't know if have a typical practice. We have all kinds of inconsistent things going on with having subs and whatnot.

We aim to scrim 1-2 times a week, planning out drafts and things we want to work on in mind for next weeks opponents.

2 days a week. ADC and I will try to find a 2v2 partner in the org, beforehand. And then a standard 3-block, with our coaches Jokur and Cush.

How do you balance practicing and competing with other aspects of your life, such as school or work?

I have typical 8-5 job so I usually have evenings free. Not much to balance.

It's definitely quite hectic, I'm on two teams and I cast for CCS so I have 3 days which are occupied with gamedays, and then scrims need to fill in the gap. So usually I have to do most of my work during the day, past 8pm it's league time for me usually.

Just understanding that signing up for a league, is essentially a 3-month commitment. So really just checking in with myself before the season begins, to make sure I can go all-in.

If you had to describe your team's playing style in three words, what would they be?

I wouldn't say were locked into a single play style. I'd say we try to play meta currently which is playing more for bot lane.

WorryBrothers, Cheers, Nice

Protect the President

Do you think there is a strongest team in your division? Who are they and why are they the strongest?

It's probably Dorado Gaming Sigma. Based on the games I caught this last week I see some big weaknesses in other teams. Sigma will just gap people.

I think Sigma are our team to beat, but if its not them I think we are. I don't think any of the teams other than Sigma pose a challenge to us, at least at the standard we should be holding ourselves to.

Dorado Sigma, likely. Dorado has enough players in their org, to build 20 rosters, if they so wanted. And lots of those players are championship caliber. Sigma has a lot of those kind of players.

Xayah has the highest Pick Ban in our league appearing in 85% of all drafts/games and has a 50% winrate. What are your thoughts on her in the current meta?

I'd say it's very strong but prioritized more than it should be. I feel like it's a crutch pick for a lot of teams because it's safe and teams don't know how to play into it or play the lane match-up correctly.

I think she is very strong sure, but I think it's also that people aren't good enough to pick things that are good into her. Hopefully some good ADCs will actually show up.

I think Xayah just feels good as a good blind adc, or as a good soft-counter, to Caitlyn. Since most people don't want to give their opponent that safety, or they're prioritizing a B1 Cait, they're scratching off Xayah as a by-product. I think Quickblades is really what's meta, right now. Hence the sudden spike in Tristana gameplay. Xayah is just swept up into that, along with her interaction with Cait.

What is most impressive among the multi kill leaders?

1 Penta for Ravensman in 4 games

1 Penta for Ravensman in 4 games

Boogie has 10 Double Kills in 5 games(2 a game)

Silly questions start here

If you were given a million dollars but had to spend it all in one day, what would you buy?(no stocks/bonds/ traditional investment tools like gold or real estate)

Well if I couldn't buy a house or land I'd probably buy a franchise business like a McDonald's or a Subway. Whichever I found to be the best to run. With any excess I'd buy up-to 4 vehicles for some siblings and then donate the rest to one or various charities.

Make CCS a better league. I would also get a PC, I hate playing on a laptop man. I'd probably pay for really nice restaurants in advance and have reservations for them. Maybe buy some nicer clothes.

sucks, because you can't even really say "house", because then property tax will screw you over. I'm a simple guy, though. House, for sure, but something that could be within my means, pay of school stuff, etc.

If you could have any superpower but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?

I mean, I'd say any super power would be useful, just depends on the context. I suppose a pretty pointless superpower would be being able to RDP into my desktop without any additional device.

Turn into matg

Being in the top 5% of a 13 year-old game.

Hobbies outside of League/Gaming?

I'm a big fan of movies & TV particularly Stars Wars & Marvel. I also really enjoy card games. I used to play Yugioh and am working to get into Flesh & Blood.

CTRL ULT ELITE I used to write Yugioh articles. I loved playing that game. I quit when Covid hit and prices skyrocketed for paper play.

Playing football manager with my friends. Cooking

I love to cook.

Degenerates Exiles

Name, Role Team you play for. Ex CTRL ULT, Top for Basement Dwellers

Fleet Emperor, ADC, Degenerate Exiles

Whats your teams record? Are you happy with how the split is going so far? Why do you have your record?

1-1 so far, not incredibly excited about our split start there’s been a lot of outside interference so far but everything should die down soon. The record we have right now isn’t entirely reflective of our skill so much as our schedules, second match of the split our starting jungle had an emergency and couldn’t make it and I spent the majority of that day in the hospital and was late to the match.

What inspired you to start playing in these amateur League of Legends leagues tournaments?

I like winning, almost as much as I like money.

How often does your team practice together, and what does a typical practice session look like?

Like twice a week and it usually goes with me telling my top laner not to tilt, my Jungler asking any and everyone he can their favorite Kanye album, my support cocking his Glock for no reason in the mic and my mid laner trying to be edgy idk guy thinks he’s a fuckin anime MC or somethin I guess but he’s just a KDA player.

How do you balance practicing and competing with other aspects of your life, such as school or work?

I don’t I suffer and it all works out anyway.

If you had to describe your team's playing style in three words, what would they be?

Back beaters university

Do you think there is a strongest team in your divsion? Who are they and why are they the strongest?

I’m not glazin anybody in this division, it’s definitely the harder division but If I had to pick a best team in the tournament maybe first class.

Xayah has the highest Pick Ban in our league appearing in 85% of all drafts/games and has a 50% winrate. What are your thoughts on her in the current meta?


What is most impresive among the multi kill leaders?

1 Penta for Ravensman in 4 games

Silly questions start here

If you were given a million dollars but had to spend it all in one day, what would you buy?(no stocks/bonds/ traditional investment tools like gold or real estate)

Pete Davidson’s secret, he got too much sauce

If you could have any superpower but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?

Shock people without touching them.

Hobbies outside of League/Gaming?


GP Oranges

Did not Fill out the form.

Dorado Gaming Sigma

Name, Role Team you play for. Ex CTRL ULT, Top for Basement Dwellers

NuFFies (Dorado Gaming Sigma)

banger, Jungle, Dorado Gaming Sigma

What's your team's record? Are you happy with how the split is going so far? Why do you have your record?

2-0. The split is going well so far and everything is going according to plan. Losing any match even dropping one game is utter failure for us. We had to do 50 pushups after our second match against exiles for every dragon we lost.

We are 4-0 and yea I think I'm pretty ok with how its going and I think we have our record because we are by far the best team in the league

What inspired you to start playing in these amateur League of Legends leagues tournaments?

In season 5 I had applied to challenger team tryouts back when that was a thing. Legit would make the teams and one thing would go wrong and my ass would be replaced. I started realizing that I wasn’t quite cut out for being able to solo teams of people who were top 2-3k in NA. I settled for lower and eventually stumbled across leagues like this in season 6 and ever since then I just fell in love with shoveling dirt unto people who are worse than me.

Not sure tbh just got into it randomly, I enjoy playing in team environments

How often does your team practice together, and what does a typical practice session look like?

We never practice cause my team always is egoing me man. Cheers idiots.

We have never scrimmed as a team and we never will, and actually our first time playing as full 5 was our game last week against Degenerate Exiles

How do you balance practicing and competing with other aspects of your life, such as school or work?

They’re like 8pm start and end before 12 usually so honestly it doesn’t take away much of the day to play these things. We waste 1/3rd of our life sleeping man. What’s 1/8th of your current life dedicated to a hobby?

I usually just compete on my free time when I work its usually always really early in the morning so I have full day to do other things

If you had to describe your team's playing style in three words, what would they be?

Explosive, dominating and inefficient

Dick them down

Do you think there is a strongest team in your division? Who are they and why are they the strongest?

Yes us, they’re truly isn’t a competition. These interview questions gonna be much more humbling when someone puts us in the dirt.

I don't really think many teams in our group are good tbh not sure though don't really know many of the people so I guess maybe our sister team Nu would be the strongest behind us.

Xayah has the highest Pick Ban in our league appearing in 85% of all drafts/games and has a 50% winrate. What are your thoughts on her in the current meta?

Fucking broken as champion, impossible to engage on cause of self peel, works perfectly fine in engage comps and scales like a goddamn truck. Aphelios release status to be quite frank is the best to compare it to.

I think she's been pretty good not sure how she will be since her nerfs and all the recent changes

What is most impresive among the multi kill leaders?

Boogie has 10 Double Kills in 5 games(2 a game)

1 Penta for Ravensman in 4 games

Silly questions start here

If you were given a million dollars but had to spend it all in one day, what would you buy?(no stocks/bonds/ traditional investment tools like gold or real estate)

Yes just pay off my mortgage, pay off all my bills and debts, buy a new car, maybe a watch or something. Tattoo every perfect tattoo on my body that I’ve ever wanted. Dump rest on resell-able items.

I would buy a lot of land and have houses built for my whole family and some nice cars.

If you could have any superpower but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?

This question doesn’t make sense because every superpower would have some sort of use to it. Being able to suspend my self a foot into the air it seems would be a decent answer. Completely useless but maybe fun to just lay down in empty space. (But even then I feel like you can make a YouTube channel for magic and gaslight people to thinking it’s totally an illusion and never tell people the real secret accumulating millions of followers so you can grift a pyramid scheme and profit millions anyway).

The ability to have all unreleased music from any artist

Hobbies outside of League/Gaming?

I investigate catphishes and Smurfs and intercept internet circles.

Like to go to gym and play/watch sports

Mystic Cats

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