Hello again is I CTRL ULT ELITE back with another article! For those who do not know me, my name is Storm or CTRL ULT ELITE. I will be the main writer for BOL Emerald and am the Top laner this year for Tilt Esports. I have been writing for BOL for several years. I have also written content for The Nameless League, CCS and Aegis, and I have published some Fantasy Hockey and Yugioh articles in the past. If you have any feedback regarding my content, let me know! I am always happy to hear from people. If you are craving some more content Espada has a great article: BOE Week 3 Rundown.
This is a reminder that teams left to do matter(Team Niners are the worst C-tier team). As we cover more divisions, I will slot teams into my tier list. Please note that I am not moving teams up or down until after week four is over, as these were my initial thoughts on teams.
Ionia has the highest ELO average of any group, sitting close to an E2 average and is the group of death. Ionia has no bad teams, some teams are not great but more or less every team in Ionia I would bet to make it out of groups in any other division. Ionia also features what I think are 2 S tier teams and has several high A-tier teams. To all of you in Ionia, simply get drafted into easier groups next time idiot.
The Shadow Cows

Top: DJ Zeller#NA1
Jungle: FallN#NA1
Mid: Bustinn#143
ADC: Wisteria#First
Support: S1lly G00fy SCP#3000
Point Total: 32(Emearld 2 Average)
Tier: C
The Shadow Cows I have seen play in 2 different leagues AEL last split and they were in BOL Emerald the season before. Both time the Shadow Cows narrowly missed playoffs going 3-4. From these teams the top side of their map has returned and they have a new bot lane. The Shadow Cows have always played as an incredibly bloodthirsty team, having the most of their games go over a kill-a-minute pace. I have been a Shadow Cows hater and will remain one until they change their style. I have the Shadow Cows in C tier as they will be fighting for a playoff spot but can beat top teams.
DJ Zeller in the top lane has always embodied the Shadow Cows Style. Play Lane domination champs and throw yourself at the enemy top laner until you kill each other. DJ Zeller plays mostly towards AD fighters like Renketon, Darius and Sett in solo queue but also has games on tanks like Malphite, K’Sante and Ornn. The problem for DJ Zeller is that they are not often able to convert these leads being forced to team fight instead of skirmish tanking their KDA and early lane leads. So far this season DJ Zeller played one series at support where they looked out of place and 1 series top lane where they held their own.
FallN is back to jungle for TSC and I am sad to see Jungle Twitch go. FallN is currently on a massive loss streek in ranked after deciding to play some mid-lane. FallN plays the most selfish hard carry junglers possible in solo queue like Kha’Zix, Evelynn and Shyvana. The Shadow Cows have been giving them these hard carries as well in the jungle and with a 1.8 KDA and being down at gold at 15 minutes I would say its not working very well.
Bustinn is an ADC player with mid lane as their secondary. When fleet was broken earlier in the year and every Mid laner you saw was Tristana, Corki and Ezreal Bustinn was awesome. Bustinn does not have the greatest stats on actual mid laners Lissandra seems to be their best pick. Bustinn is not afraid to try out new mid laners in solo queue but has not had a good game yet this season in BOL.
Wisteria is a mid laner that has AD as their secondary. Why Bustinn and Wisteria have not swapped is a question in my mind. Wisteria has some outstanding mid lane stats on mages having above a 4.0 KDA and 7.5 CS a minute and up. Wisteria does play some ADCs mid and plays them in the bot lane well but looks much better on AD casters than traditional marksmen. Wisteria looks to farm incredibly well they have 8 CS a minute on their most played ADCs and are close to these numbers in mid as well. Wisteria popped off in game 2 despite TSC losing so hopefully they can clutch up some wins for a struggling team.
S1lly G00fy SCP despite being in diamond 4 and off rolling as an ADC does not look the greatest. S1lly G00fy SCP dies over six times a game on every champion that looks to interact with their opponent(they die less then 3 times a game as Milio and Zilean), has less than two vision score a minute as a support, and does around 260 relatively low DPM. The bright side of S1lly G00fy SCP is that they are good at working with their team they have around 60% KP in almost all theirgames and has a wide champion pool playing over 25 supports this year.
Literal Monkeys Reformed

Top: Fourth Espada #NA1
Jungle: PacaPaul#NA1
Mid: Tilted Towers#nite
ADC: MustForgiveMe#NA1
Support: Ferromancy#Cam
Point Total: 30 (Emearld 2 Average)
Tier: S
Monkeys Reformed are one of the best-looking teams in BOLE and are sitting at 2-0. Monkeys Reformed have everything you want in a team they have Emerald Veterans, clear carries, variance in champion pools and defined roles on the team. Monkeys Reformed in their five games have shown that they can play for skirmishing or go for team fighting and even split push.
Fourth Espada is a top laner I have played against in the past. They are a very good top laner who has a wide champion pool playing tanks like Ornn and ChoGath as well as more carry oriented top laner like Fiora, Aatrox and GP. Fourth Espada strength is their ability to farm. Fourth Espada is also not afraid to throw down they end most games with as many solo kills as they do solo deaths. Fearless should be no conern for Fourth Espada they have played over 50 champions this year in ranked.
PacaPaul is another familiar name to most of us in Emerald they played last season for the Monkeys as well taking over for an 0-2 team and narrowly missed playoffs. PacaPaul has some fantastic solo queue stats again playing as more of a carry jungler with games on Lilia, Graves and Shyvana but does have some more frontline picks in Xin Zhao and J4. A KDA of above 3.0 on most champions having over 7 CS a minute and doing over 800 DPM in solo queue PacaPaul looks excellent.
Tilted Towers or Retail Row(depending on their account) or Codis is another Emearld Veteran. They played 1 match as a sub for the Bing Chillers in Aegis last season and had a great showing with a 5.4 KDA. Tilted Towers has played plenty of roles over the years but mid lane is their most played role. Tilted Towers tends to play much towards late game in solo queue playing lots of marksmen mid and control mages focusing on farming instead of early aggression. Tilted Towers does have some more utility-focused mids and that is what they played in their week one match against Conduit so Fearless again should be no problem.
MustForgiveMe is an aggressive diamond 4 ADC. MustForgiveMe plays for damage they do 900 DPM and over in solo queue but dies six times a game on average. MustForgiveMe plays a lot of hyperscaling ADCs quite well. Their biggest weakness is that MustForgiveMe has an atrocious vision score every game, and that at least is an easy fix. As far as champion pools are concerned MustForgiveMe plays enough ADCs has the Ziggs/Smolder Flex there should be no real worries.
FerroMancy has the oddest champion pool I have seen in quite some time being a jungle player who also plays a lot of support. FerroMancy also plays exactly 2 ADCs with any sort of reuglarity Ezreal and Aphelios, 1 tricked Rell jungle most of this year and also main Renata Glasc last year. As a support player in solo queue FerroMancy somehow averages 0 pink wards before 15 minutes giving them below 2 Vision Score a minute. FerroMancy also dies a lot on their lesser played supports driving their average up to 5.6 a game.
Dorado Gaming Epsilon

Top: Goolius Boozler#DOG
Jungle: Hybrid carry#NA1
Mid: Cyclone#AOE
ADC: Pola#NA1
Point Total: 22(Emearld 4 Average)
Tier: A
Dorado Gaming Epsilon is making a runback this roster just finished in Aegis where they went 4-2 in groups making it to the quarterfinals. DOGE have some veterans on their roster with Hybrid Carry and a lot of players who can make the individual play and carry a game. DOGE played most of Aegis for early game; they had the most towers taken a game on average in the regular season, had a team-wide 3.81 KDA(third-best KDA in AEL), and took the most barons a game of any team in the regular season. DOGE should be a team that challenges for a deep playoff run, but I do not think they have the individual players and lack the deep champion pools to be an S tier team this year.
Goolius Boozler is an aggressive top laner with a wide champion pool. Goolius Boozler gets 3 solo kills a game in solo queue, gets first blood in 40% of thier games and does 900 DPM. Goolius Boozler also dies a lot they average 3 solo deaths a game and have a 1.9 KDA in ranked. Goolius Boozler does play a lot of top laners and loves counter pick so BOLE should be great for them. Goolius Boozler is climbing sure they are platinum now but I all but guarantee they end the season in Emerald.
Hybrid Carry is a name that has been around the Emearld scene for a long time. Despite solo queue stats of the past few seasons being a little low Hybrid Carry is a beast of a jungler playing primarily carry junglers. Hybrid Carry looks best when they are on champions with dueling and invade potential to make the enemy jungler weak and letting his lanes push for advantages. I am used to seeing them on Xin, Lilia and Graves. Hybrid Carry has picked up and can always play the tank role when needed as well so I have no concerns with their champion pool.
Cyclone is the one player on DOGE I am unsure of in a Fearless setting. Cyclone plays most of their games every year in comp on about five champions and one of them Yone is an obvious ban when playing DOGE. Cyclone has a few mage backups that they play but excels on melee mids that are looking to skirmish.
Pola in the past was the superstar player on this DOGE roster in Aegis having 7.5 kills a game on average, making top 3 gold a minute, farming 8 CS a minute and getting 2 Quarda kills. Pola does have a bit more of a shallow champion pool than other ADCs. Pola plays a lot more ADCs who are specialists and not blind pickable things like Draven, KogMaw and Kalista. Pola of course plays standard ADCs but excels when they can synergize with the rest of DOGE in aggression on picks like KaiSa and Lucian who want to dive in for kills.
Uknowthekid is one of my only worries for the Fearless BOLE format. Last season in Aegis Uknowthekid played only seven champions the entire season(out of 22 games) and two of those champions were only picked once. In solo queue Uknowthekid is primarily a thresh player(45% of their games). It is by far their most played support and highest mastery champion and again I worry about Uknowthekid getting pinched in longer series. Uknowthekid wards very well(2.65) and has good kill partition numbers playing safe in lane.
Monkey Fever

Top: Turpz#2097
Jungle: Saelor#rach
Mid: Evilzara#evil
ADC: maze#1002
Support: metal929#NA1
Point Total: 32 (Emearld 2 Average)
Tier: B
Monkey Fever is a team in which I do not have complete confidence with a couple of off-role players, so they are in my B tier instead of A. Fever is a team that looks to be playing for back to front team fights with Turpz on the weakside and Saelor the teams jungler being the hard carry for them.
Turpz is another player that I know from time in other leagues I saw Turpz last season in Aegis where they played for OE Dynasty going 5-4 with a 3.6 KDA. In Aegis Turpz was playing weakside tanks for the majority of time on OED and is playing a similar role this season for Fever. Turpz is a good laner leaving most lanes with an eight CS lead and contributing meaningful damage but as a wekaside player Turpz has a low KDA(2.0) and farms 6.7 CS a minute. Teams scouting Fever will notice that Turpz has a more shallow top lane champion pool Turpz actviely practices about five champions.
Saelor is the most exciting Fever member, an aggressive jungler who looks to be their best player. Saelor is looking to get a jungle diff going in their games trying to win the game themselves on champions like Kindred, Viego and Graves. Saelor ganks early and often in solo queue while being able to keep up in farm. In 82% of Saelor’s game they are able to contribute to first blood so expect them to make plays early for Fever. As far as champion pools go Saelor plays a large amount of junglers so I doubt they ever get banned out.
EvilZara is another player on Monkeys Fever playing in their off role. EvilZara is an ADC main who also plays Azir and has not played mid-lane since season 9. With the meta changing to no longer favoring ADC mids I don’t see how EvilZara will perform in an unfamiliar role.
Maze is another player I saw last year play in Aegis with OE Dynasty having a 9-5 record in the regular season and was unable to play in their playoff series vs ID Blastcone. I am not sure Maze is the best fit for a fearless league Maze has more game of Zeri than all of their other champions out together this year and in Aegis only played six champions picking Seraphine whenever possible. Maze seems to favor scaling options whenever possible which fits into the Fever back to front style.
Metal929 is listed as Fever's starting support, and I am not sure why. Metal929 seems to play top lane as their primary role and fills the rest of their games they have more games as a jungler then as a support. Metal929 also has a 37% win rate at support and has only played 7 champions as a support in ranked this year. The only champion they have played more then 5 game is leona where they have an 11% win rate and only a 53% KP with a 2.45 KDA. metal929 has led Fever in deaths every game so far this BOL season has the lowest rating on the team and the worst vision score of every support in BOL.
Omega Wooper

Top: Gysęr#NA1
Jungle: Payneless#Kei
Mid: IshaN#12345
ADC: Can1ac#Combo
Support: Hailie#4207
Point Total: 22 (Emerald 4 Average)
Tier: C
Omega Wooper last year's 2nd place BOLE Emerald team returns to bring us Wooper Wednesdays. The top half of this Wooper roster remains the same, but they have a new bot lane, which was Wooper's strength last year(I at several points called this team Mordstreich and 4 wards). I think this team is a direct downgrade over their previous roster last season and I wonder if this Wooper Roster will even make playoffs in any group so they are in C tier.
Gysęr in the top lane was a liability for Wooper almost all of last season(they did have a great playoff round 1 and 2) and had a mediocre week one is failing to reinspire my confidence in them. Gysęr plays a lot of more twaords lane dominant champions like Aatrox and Renketon trying to get early leads and giving his team a point of strength in the early game to get objectives. Gysęr does not always do this, last year they were down in gold and CS at 15 minutes all year and were a bottom 5 top laner according to the stats. In solo queue Gysęr is not doing anything noteworthy either they have decent stats on everyone they play but nothing extraordinary (6.6 CS a minute, 2.2 KDA, meh win rates).
Payneless had an incredible start to BOLE last year and disappointed as they faded as the year went on. Last season Payneless pathed bot no matter what and tried to get his bot lane ahead and was invisible in the playoffs getting regulated to tank duty. Payneless plays the opposite of how they do in comp going for all out aggression on champions like RekSai, Xin and BelVeth with impressive KDAs and high CS. I hope we can see this side of Payneless and not the herbivore tank jungler.
IshaN was the worst performing member on Omega Wooper last BOL season. IshaN has had the highest death count of everyone on Omega Wooper dying an average of 5 times a game. IshaN is in no way a bad mid-laner, but they did not stood out. IshaN finished last season in the bottom half of the mid-laners(ranked 11th of 16). IshaN, in the 26 games Omega Wooper has played last year had five pop-off games where, looking at the post-game game you go wow they were the difference maker, having above a 5.0 KDA. IshaN has also had five games this season where they struggled dipping below a 1.0 KDA. The rest of the games have been just that: stable wins on champions that are designed to go even with plenty of games on champions like Ahri or Talyiah who look to neutralize mid-lane and roam. Hopefully this year they can step it up and are forced to play for skirmishing and fighting instead of passive play.
Can1ac has some huge shows to fill this season replacing the best player last year in BOLE and they lynchpin of Omega Wooper. Can1ac has been an ADC main for quite a while with jungle as their secondary role. Can1ac has everything that you want to see in a player a 3.5 KDA, 7.5 CS a minute, 800 DPM and plays mage bot laners to give this team some flexibility in the draft. Wooper looks like they found another winner of an ADC Can1ac looks like they should be able to steal some wins for Wooper.
Hailie at support is the lowest-rated player in BOLE being currently mid-silver with a 45% win rate who peaked this year in gold 2. Hailie has the lowest vision score a minute of every support I have seen this season. The strength of Hailie is that Hailie dies very infrequently and that Hailie is very comfortable playing supports who can contribute meaningful damage like Zyra and Karma.
Optimal Esports Enigma

Top: Yeetloaf#1738
Jungle: Chris#zzzz
Mid: Sean#000
ADC: all gucci#gamer
Support: EnViy#lmao
Point Total: 34 (Emearld 1 Average)
Tier: S
Optimal Esports Enigma jumped out to me and many others as the team to beat in BOLE this season. With all veteran players and multiple players specializing in lane swapping I am confident that OE Engima will be a top 4 team this year so I have them in my S tier. After looking at this roster together I have almost more questions than answers. We will see unique picks from Enigma that is a given and strong laning but I worry about the team's engage potential. I see very few go button available for this team to draft and I worry that they may struggle to close out games.
Yeetloaf won Aegis just a couple of weeks ago on ID Blastcone and is like every player on this team a veteran of the competitive scene. Yeetloaf and Sean have this thing where they swap lanes between top and mid constantly as they play both roles. Yeetloaf generally plays more top lane champions that everyone hates(Singed, Ap Shaco, GP) whereas Sean plays more towards tanks but Yeetloaf is the flex master and can play just about anything top lane with Ornn Tank games, AP Bomba style Gragas and Bruiser Aatrox already picked in 5 games.
“I am a Dirty Kayn Main” Chris is the jungler for OE Enigma who had a bad showing in Aegis going 4-12 and missing playoffs on Makima. They also played in BOL last season on Conduit Jiji going 6-6. Chris has been around the season for a long time and has a set Jungle pool of champions that they excel at and has worked a lot at expanding their jungle pool in recent years towards more meta picks like Brand and Zyra. When I think of Chris I think of Kayn, Hecraim and Kindred. Chris is a carry jungler they play for farm leads(averaging a three camp lead at 15 minutes in solo queue and 7 CS a minute) and early safety to put themselves ahead instead of their lanes. Chris can always close a game when given the resources.
Sean is the one part of this OE Enigma roster that I am unsure of. Sean is a mid-laner who plays top lane champions and other off meta picks. Sean primarily plays Mordekiaser and should have it permabanned against him(ITS A FLEX FOR THIS TEAM BAN IT FOR FUCKS SAKE) with a lot of other odd picks like AP Maplhite, Xerath, Naafiri, Ornn, Renekton Sylas and Heimerdinger. Seans stats are almost impossible to calculate with all the roles that they play but what I do have says that Sean farms 7 cs a minute and has a 2.8 KDA. Sean has played a different champion in every game so far this season in BOL.
All Gucci is another Aegis Winner playing with Yeetloaf on ID Blastcone. All Gucci was awesome for IDB getting a penta kill last season have a 4.02 KDA and doing 832 DPM ending every lane up in gold. All Gucci flexes to both top and mid while playing as an ADC for the most part. All Gucci when playing as an ADC tends to gravitate towards hyperscaling ADCs like Smolder, Aphelios and Kai’Sa. All Gucci also does play mage bot laners when the time calls for it like Karthus and Ziggs. When playing ADC All Gucci farms 7.6 CS a minute, does 880 DPM and dies only 4.5 times a game.
EnViy is the only player on this OE Engima roster I do not know or recgonize. EnViy is a support player who plays a lot more towards enchanters and mage supports than the standard engage champions. When watching OEE play it became very clear that EnViy knows what they are doing on their comfort champions and is not going to sit back and let OEE carry them. I watched EnViy play Morgana and use their ult to kite effectively instead of randomly throwin out bindings and save black sheild for key CC instead of wasting it on random pick tools. EnViy has a lower warding score at 1.75 in solo queue but has incredible KDAs on the champions they play.
Conduit Gremlins

Top: LordiSoma#7777
Jungle: Pinei nessa poha#00027
Mid: yoloswagftwR#NA1
ADC: NotSoDark#TDS
Support: Vidyarthi#NA1
Point Total: 28 (Emerald 3/2 Average)
Tier: A
Conduit Gremlins are the biggest dark horse in BOL Emerald this season for me I think that have the most potential out of every team I have looked at to be an S-tier team. I have played against this Gremlins roster when we scrimmaged them, playing entirely for fun and got blasted in two of the three games. This team has some insane early game ability and can run you over if you are not careful. I do not recognize most of the players on this Gremlins Roster and with a weaker on paper looking bot lane I cannot put them in S tier. Only time will tell how the Gremlins will do, but I am fully expecting them to be a high seed heading into playoffs.
LordiSoma appears to be the best top lane carry player in BOL Emearld this season. I scrimmed against him and LordiSoma punished me incredibly well knowing just how far he could take his lead denying my the ability to return to lane. LordiSoma has some insane stats having a 26% damage share in solo queue by doing 900 damage a minute while farming incredibly well having close to 8 CS a minute. LordiSoma has had incredible performances in both games the Gremlins have played against some very good top laners. My only worry for LordiSoma is about their champion pool that there are only carries up here. Ksante is the only tank champion I can find in LordiSoma’s champion pool and there are only three champions LordiSoma plays constantly in solo queue.
Pinei nessa poha(easily the worst name in the league this year) is a great looking jungler. Pinei nessa poha plays a wide variety of junglers everything from tanks to assassins to bruisers. Pinei nessa poha has had some rough games when playing assassins in BOLE and I think that they will start to transition more towards engage as the season progresses. Pinei nessa poha in solo queue has above a 3.0 KDA has great vision score as a jungler and farms well.
yoloswagftwR is the only player on this roster that I recognzie. yoloswagftwR played last season in Aegis for Makima for two of their matches. yoloswagftwR has played 4 different roles in the past couple of years and I saw them in another league as an ADC I am sure of. When playing mid lane yoloswagftwR plays an eclectic mix of champions and loves counter picking. yoloswagftwR has a great sylas that teams will need to keep track of while drafting and plays more zone oretinated control mages like Anivia and Hwei when they need to blind pick.
NotSoDark is probably the weakest player on this Gremlins roster at ADC. The good news is that NotSoDark fits well into this team; they do not need to be God's gift to ADC they just need to provide the team with some scaling threats and utility. I would expect more Jihn and Ashe out of NotSoDark instead of the Jinx and Kai’Sa that we see from every ADC in BOL. In solo queue NotSoDark has a 45% winrate as ADC this season and is farming 6.5 CS a minute while doing 116 less damage a minute compared to the average Emearld ADC. Teams may want to look into banning Jihn as it is NotSoDark’s most comfortable champion.
Vidyarthi was another member of the Makima roster that had a bad season in Aegis. Vidyarthi finished Aegis 4-12 with a 1.8 KDA, being down 400 gold at 15 minutes on average compared to the enemy laner. They were the second worst support in that league behind only behind another support that dropped from Aegis. Vidyarthi has looked fine in BOL this season playing the engage that this Gremlins team needs on champions like Leona and Maokai. This fits into what Vidyarthi plays primarily in solo queue as well with Maokai and Blitz being they most played champions. Vidyarthi has a 2.2 vision score in solo queue which is great and averages 12 assists a game.
Fools Five Vs. Kittens With Mittens
My Prediction: Fools Five 2-0
Espada Prediction: Fools Five 2-0
I feel this series should be a significant mismatch. Fools Five are one of the better teams in Demacia and Kittens with Mittens have been struggling. Both teams have issues currently and this is the week to change things up as this week will be the halfway point for both rosters. KWM need to find out what their team identity is and play it. I thought the team would be all out aggression and skirmishing but they have only drafted that way once. Fools Five are trying to become Omega Wooper from last year aka the leagues best ADC and 4 wards. You cannot expect Solo Mason to 1v9 your games draft champions that make sense together and consider the range at which teams are fighting. Fools Five have a superior bot lane to KWM and an actual draft plan so they are the clear favorite. Soez and Vrang will need to get some advantages on the top side for KWM to win tonight.
Niners Esports Black Vs. AK Hearts
My Prediction: AK Hears 2-0
Espada Prediction: 2-0 AK Hearts
This series should also be a wash for AK Hearts. AK Hearts are probably the best team in this group and Niners Esports Black might be one of the worst. AK Hearts just have better players across the board I cannot see Niners being able to reach the mid game without being at a significant lane disadvantage.
No Quarter Gaming Vs. The Spire Cats
My Prediction: 2-0 Spire Cats
Espada Prediction: 2-1 Spire Cats
Both NQG and the Spire Cats have played Kittens With Mittens. The Spire Cats destroyed KWM, whereas NQG took KWM to 3 games. The other reason I favour the Spire Cats so much is that they are playing to their teams strengths where NQG are trying to fit square pegs into round holes. NQG players have some unique champions that they play why not try these things out? Putting your top laner onto Ornn weakside duty works sometimes, but allow them to carry or Storm the top laner of the Spire Cats may just split push the game away. Same with Snapback give them BelVeth or Karthus and let them power clear your bot lane is able to support an aggressive playstyle and you need to find one to have a chance at making playoffs.
Dynasty Star Weavers Vs. Syndicate Crashouts
My Prediction: 2-0 Syndicate
Espada Prediction: 2-0 Syndicate
I have yet to look at the teams in Noxus in Depth so predictions here will be shorter. Syndicate still looks to me to be easily a top 2 team in Noxus and I think again the lanes will spiral out of control in this series for Syndicate. Aqua has struggled so far in the mid-lane and Zuiy is one of the best mid-laneers in BOL Emerald.
Maelstrom Esports Vs. Final Boss Rebirth
My Prediction: Final Boss Rebirth 2-0
Espada Prediction: 2-0 Final Boss Rebirth
I have not looked at the teams in Noxus in Depth so predictions here will be shorter. Maelstrom does not look like they should be playing in an emerald league with their teams current solo queue stats. Adding an off role silver carry jungle who has a very shallow champion pool is also certainly a choice I am unsure Bixus is what this team was missing… Final Boss Rebirth has some players I recognize and have superior stats so far this BOL season and in solo queue so I expect them to win tonight.
Final Boss Alpha Vs. TFF Aftershock
My Prediction: 2-0 TFF Aftershock
Espada Prediction: 2-1 TFF Aftershock
I have not looked at the teams in Noxus in Depth so predictions here will be shorter. TFF Aftershock is a rutledge roster. Rutledge rosters tend to win regular seasons due the incredible amount of competitive experience and shot calling that he brings. Alpha has some massive red flags as a roster and it will be up to LIMBLESS FREAK to carry them.
Monkeys Reformed Vs. Optimal Esports Engima Streamed Game
My Prediction: 2-1 OE Enigma
Espada Prediction: 2-1 Reformed
This matchup looks insanely hyped with what I believe are two of the best teams in our league playing tonight. Both OEE and Reformed have everything you want in a roster and plenty of different ways to approach tonight. I favor Enigma for a couple of reasons: first off Enigma I think has a better support player while Ferromancy is good(easily in the top 10) EnViy might just be the best support in the league. I also am unsure how well Espada matches up against Yeetloaf as I do not think they play most of the counters to Yeetloafs champion pool. I think that Tilted Towers is better in mid lane than Sean and that favors Reformed. Chris and Pacapaul will also be an incredibly interesting jungle matchup. Both share certain champions so Fearless might get us some weird jungle champions by game three. Overall I am excited to watch tonight and hope this series will be as good as I think it will be.
The Shadow Cows Vs. Omega Wooper
My Prediction: Shadow Cows 2-1
Espada Prediction: Wooper 2-1
Both of these teams seriously need this win tonight to have any shot at making the playoffs. It sucks to say but right now, these two teams appear to be the weakest in an incredibly competitive division. If the top side strong chaos fight all the time version of The Shadow Cows should be a mismatch. Wooper is a team trying to scale as hard as possible and keep the game low-impact early on something The Shadow Cows simply will not let happen. Also there is not a huge canyon in terms of bot lane skill this series so even late game The Shadow Cows do have a chance. For Wooper this game is a test of your Macro tonight should be incredibly stressful make sure you plan where you are going and know where to fight. Knowing when to back off and trade objectives will be your teams key to victory.
Monkeys Fever Vs. Dorado Gaming Epsilon
My Prediction: DOGE 2-1
Espada Prediction: Fever 2-1
This series should be incredibly close as well as both DOGE and Fever are teams looking to play off early game leads and snowball. I do not think this series will be close in a traditional sense as I think these two teams are going to take turns blowing each other out of the water. DOGE has red side counter pick in games 1 and 3 which should make a massive difference for their solo lanes and I think DOGE has a better bot lane overall. Fever has the superior mid jungle duo and Saelor needs to force on timings that he can find.
Mint Gaming Mafia Vs. Elysian Thunder Raptors
My Prediction: 2-0 Thunder Raptors
Espada Prediction: 2-1 Mint
Watching Mint last week screw up had me definitely drop them down a tier or two in my head. I witnessed a lot of micro things that I expect one tricks to have the timing down on like Zed ult to dodge telegraphed CC(like Galio Ult) and watched iNguyen screw it up both times the interaction came up. ChristrianBros2k of the Thunder Raptors looks like they can drag this Thunder Raptor team to some wins and has a top side of the map set up to help them carry.
Tilt Esports Vs. TTM Aegaeon
Espada Prediction: 2-0 TILT
I am playing on this TILT team and dislike writing about my team. TTM appears confident tonight at the very least!
My ADC is mentally stable and seems excited for this evening!
Clown Gaming Blood Moon Vs. HydroPump Zebra
My Prediction: 2-0 Clown
Espada Prediction: 2-0 Clown
While Clown Gaming has some hardcore roster issues, HydroPump is another team that seems better suited for BOL Platnium. Clown showed that they can compete last week taking a game off of Elysium in game one while HydroPump has lost almost every game they have played in under 30 minutes. For HydroPump it is all about trying to ensure that you shore up your early game 55 Azreal is an early game beast if you cannot snowball with them at the helm, you need to shift your entire team dynamic.