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BOLE Week 5 Interviews

Hello everyone and welcome to another article from me talking about our season of BOL Emerald. For those who do not know me, my name is Storm or CTRL ULT ELITE. I will be the main writer for BOL Emerald and am the Top laner this year for Tilt Esports. I have been writing for BOL for several years. I have also written content for The Nameless League, CCS and Aegis, and I have published some Fantasy Hockey and Yugioh articles in the past. If you have any feedback regarding my content, let me know! I am always happy to hear from people.

After 4 weeks I have officially gone over every single player and team in my articles and normally we would start an average article for me! Unfortunately, I was away this previous week at a work conference across the country having to talk to French people about mobile video games and why the company I work for deserves all their money. So instead of having time to watch and talk about the games that happened last week we are getting an article that is mostly about interview questions as a way to try and get to know the players better in our league. I am also committing to doing my normal KDA players of the week(Only 1 player from every series) and predictions for next week. As my Insomnia was not going crazy and I slept decently the past couple of days my predictions are short this week.

Shoutouts to Chris from OEE for getting dropped! Everyone believes that OEE is going to make it and I am unsure. OEE has all the superstar players they should already be winning.

KDA Players of the Week


Team and Role

KDA this week

Overall Team Record


Top Lane Sub For Tilt Esports


3-0 18 Points


Jungler Of Dynasty Star Weavers


2-1 13 Points


ADC of XG Ratatoskr 


3-0 18 Points


ADC of ELY On Ice


3-0 17 Points


Top Laner of Monkey Fever


3-1 19 Points

Some Honourable Mentions:

CocoPuffs the Jungler for TFF had a 6.33 KDA against Maelstrom but with a 2.0 KDA against Alpha I cannot give it to them

Him the ADC of Mint had a 9.67 KDA this week against Elysium but only had a 0.9 KDA against Tilt

LIMBLESS FREAK the ADC of Alpha had the most kills in a single game this week with 18 kills in game 3 against TFF. This was closely followed by LordiSama of Conduit Gremlins who had a 15 kill game on Aatrox in game 1 of their series against the Shadow Cows but neither had above a 5.0 KDA overall this week.



Ak Hearts VS. Kittens With Mittens

My Predictions: AK Hearts 2-0 

Epada Prediction:  AK hearts 2-0

Even with their loss last week I feel the AK Hearts showed up and had a gameplay that they played towards. The Kittens so far have not shown to me that they have any synergy. 

Fools Five Vs. No Quarter Gaming

My Predictions: Fool's Five 2-0 

Epada Prediction: Fool's Five 2-1

Surely Solo Mason can 1v9 against a team of this calibre, right?

Niner Esports Black Vs. The Shattered Spire

My Predictions: Shattered Spire 2-0

Epada Prediction: Shattered SPire 2-0

Niners look lost and TSS are the best team in this group. 


Conduit Gremlins Vs DOGE

My Predictions: Gremlins 2-1

Epada Prediction:  Gremlins 2-0

DOGE has shown weakness in dropping games to Wooper and did not have a great showing against Fever. I think that Conduit proves that they are the real deal and a team to be looking worried to playing in playoffs after tonights win. LordiSama scares me TBH.

Monkeys Reformed Vs. The Shadow Cows

My Predictions: AK Hearts 2-0 

Epada Prediction:  Reformed 2-0

I am a Shadow Cows hater and they are playing the best team in the league.

Omega Wooper Vs. Monkey Fever

My Predictions: Fever 2-0 

Epada Prediction:  fever 2-0

Wooper dropped to an OE team that Fever swept cleanly. Think this should be another mismatch in terms of team strength. 


Syndicate Crashouts Vs. Final Boss Alpha

My Predictions: Syndicate 2-0

Epada Prediction:  SYN 2-0

I think both of these Final Boss teams are rather weak. Syndicate is easily top 2 team in this team just raw talent should let Syndicate beat every team in this group they have yet to play. 

Final Boss Rebirth Vs. TFF Aftershock

My Predictions: TFF 2-0 

Epada Prediction:  Rebirth 2-1

RUTLEDGE the GOAT is back to mid and carry this corpse of a roster to a playoff spot. TFF just needs to let Keorra and Rutledge do their thing. Strap in boys. Also if you draft like you did on Sunday I am going to flame you for the rest of BOL and call it pulling a TFF whenever someone trolls draft.

Malestrom Esports Vs. XG Rataoskr

My Predictions: XG 2-0

Epada Prediction:  XG 2-0

Xg is firing on all cylinders and have an easy road to being 1st seed in this group. Maelstrom I do not think even will register as a speed bump. If XG does not win this series before everyone else they have failed.


Clown Gaming Blood Vs Mint Gaming Mafia

My Predictions: Clown 2-1

Epada Prediction:  mint 2-1

Clown is a much more volatile team sure they can lose way harder but Mint cannot beat this Clown roster playing at their best. Clown has had more characters appear than a 1 shot D&D session so who knows what the hell happens. Please use your bans right Mint has some 1 tricks.  

Tilt Esports Vs. Elysium on Ice

My Predictions: N/A 

Epada Prediction:  tilt 2-1

Should be the best match of BOLE this week probably. The battle of the first seed in Freljord is not close so whoever loses tonight should come second easily. I see Dilly has started winning the stat war so Butrzz has him in his sights.

TTM Aegaeon Vs. HydroPump Zebra

My Predictions: HydroPump 2-1

Epada Prediction:  ttm 2-1

TTM has had 2 super rough weeks in a row and are starting to look more like the D-tier I thought they were by not winning a game the past 2 weeks and having some of the worse stats in the league as a team. HydroPump is also failing to rise to expectations these teams are like tied in stats having 4 towers a game and just 1 dragon. HydroPump has won more recently and has gotten more objectives so they get my edge. 

Interview Questions!

What Division Looks Strongest?

What Division Looks Weakest?

What 4 teams do you think make the Semi-Finals?

Which 3 teams do you think have the best chance at securing a playoff spot(they are currently not in playoffs)

Who do you think has been your teams MVP this season and why?

caCollin of Tilt Esports. Probably del, he tends to be our star player in general. He's the safest answer at least.

Pinei nessa poha of Conduit Gremlins Lordisoma has been an amazing player securing many matchups in toplane, and being able to impact a lot the map’

KTL. Coach of Tilt Esports cacollin. i think while del is the obvious choice collin has unlocked a lot of ways for the team to play and has continued to improve every week on his supp play.

Finality of Kittens with Mittens Pisi

McFeeds of XG Rat Full bias me ... jk probably Spoobert, absolute monster splitpush Volibear game against SYN to win and been overall consistent. OTF has had some popoff games (Yone / Viegar) he's been fairly inconsistent. If I didn't have the int Leo game I'd say me but woooof that game was bad.

Espada of Monkeys Reformed Codis is comms smurf and carryt he team

Butrzz of tilt esports Delilah cause hes my goat 

Storm- Spirecats watercat, or storm- both players are looking for the key picks or massive combos to win over teamfights

Ferromancy of Literal Monkeys Reformed PacaPaul

AlbinoSunBear of Tilt Esports Cacollin my goated E-Girl 

Boostus of The Shattered Spire Synthwave - Wins lane, creates pressure, and is a reliable win con.

PacaPaul of Monkeys Reformed Codis (Tilted Towers / Retail Row) Controls our mid/late game

macro and plays a lot of champs. Really one of the more important cogs in our team.

Chris of Optimal eSports Enigma Enviy, Best Sup BOL Emerald

Floragato of AK Hearts Our jungler soccer. Carries just as much as he supports. Follows every play no matter what yet also finds his own. All around very solid.

Maxim of Syndicate Likely Jake or wellshowthemall, I think he has been the most consistent. But Zuiy is very close

gvgnumber1 of Conduit Gremlins Vidyarthi#NA1 has to lane with Dark but looks like he's laning for everyone else on the team. Facilitating every carry they have had in a win so far. 

Eros of TSS Witchatblakmass “Olaf Merchant” 

 CTRL ULT ELITE of Tilt Esports As much as I want to say its CaCollin its Rat Queen Delilah as always. Del is the best jungler in BOLE stat wise so its them.

poopsock spirecats iBecketti cause he be keeping me alive every game

Aeternumi of Hydropump Zebra Church of Rango, because he swapped roles and is still playing at a high level.


Queen of rats :) Lissandra no further questions 

Shanedata of Fools Five Mason, he is the carry/damage dealer

Czi Elysium on Ice dilly, dudes been popping off and stealing penta kills 😤

Yeetloaf of OEE Enviy

Vidyarthi of Conduit Gremlins NotsoDark - in-game brain of the team, no matter how he does he runs our game plan

Synthwave of The Shattered Spire witchatblakmass; Olaf goat

Soez of Kittens with Mittens Vrang 

Chinese Spy of Final Boss Rebirth Seaboyer

Wellshowthemall of Syndicates Zuiy because his backpack is large enough to fit 4 players and 2 coaches

J Young of Elysian Thunder Ratpors Protomorph. Every on the team has good games but he has solo carried losing games. 

Final Boss Rebirth I would say Seaboyer as its a bit unfair to vote for myself, as hes always had that clutch factor that shows up in our wins

Christmas of Elysian Protomorph, He has been the rock for our mental and drafts, and also preformed the best in our wins and losses.

Turpz MKY Fever Saelor he does everything

Who is your perma ban in ranked and why?

caCollin of Tilt Esports. Leona, I don't wanna play it and mid laners will die to one roam and perma tilt.

Pinei nessa poha of Conduit Gremlins vlad because hes annoying to gank and almost impossible to win late game

KTL. Coach of Tilt Esports Ashe cuz slows on basic attacks is dumb

Finality of Kittens with Mittens Senna

McFeeds of XG Rat whatever is flavor of the month OP, was MF now idk .. Jhin?

Espada of Monkeys Reformed Darius toxic af

Butrzz of tilt esports Draven cause that champ is racist

Storm- Spirecats aatrox- im tired of relearning this champ every other month

Ferromancy of Literal Monkeys Reformed Morgana, spell shield

AlbinoSunBear of Tilt Esports Usually depends on what's strong/annoying. Garen last split, Leblanc or Kayn are up there too. Any champ that can turn off monkey brain and run around the map killing people for free.

Boostus of The Shattered Spire Karthus

PacaPaul of Monkeys Reformed Kha'zix/Shaco/Rengar, they take over the game if I have an inting lane.

Chris of Optimal eSports Enigma Xin Zhao, Champ stinks to play against

Floragato of AK Hearts Draven/Caitlyn. Draven - Mental patients main this champ and supports love to int into it. Caitlyn - Obnoxious champs that guarantees a gold lead after lane 90% of the time.

Maxim of Syndicate Yone, champion is overtuned and is aids to play against

gvgnumber1 of Conduit Gremlins Fizz literal D Tier rn but a slippery boi

Eros of TSS Akshan, if elo inflation was a champ it would be akshan

CTRL ULT ELITE of Tilt Esports Aatrox as he is the most popular top laner every patch and I hate him. I enjoy watching my teammates get hit by Q sweet spots and die in the side lane as well.

poopsock spirecats ahri - you arent flexing a $500 skin in my games buddy

Aeternumi of Hydropump Zebra Evelyn, because you could place pink ward in bush, ward her camp closest to you and still get ganked by her from no where.

Queen of rats :) uhh right now udyr because he runs at me and sends me to the diddy party

Shanedata of Fools Five Zed, not a lot of people know how to play against him.

Czi Elysium on Ice illaoi is the worse champ ever created and needs to be deleted asap <3

Yeetloaf of OEE Illaoi

Vidyarthi of Conduit Gremlins Yuumi - passenger champ

Synthwave of The Shattered Spire Nasus or Yone

Soez of Kittens with Mittens illaoi

Wellshowthemall of Syndicates Usually Leona or Kayn because they just go on the adc the entire game

J Young of Elysian Thunder Ratpors Gwen. Was Garen but he got nerfed. She’s just cringe.

Final Boss Rebirth Yuumi, i hate that stupid cat, and 90% of the time i see her in my game its boosting duos

Christmas of Elysian Kha'six, I hate bugs (I hate his invades)

Turpz MKY Fever Yorick bc he still just perma split even if you beat him

What do you think your team needs to work on the most?

caCollin of Tilt Esports. Comms

Pinei nessa poha of Conduit Gremlins Learning New Champions for Fearless

KTL. Coach of Tilt Esports Macro

Finality of Kittens with Mittens Macro

McFeeds of XG Rat Drafting

Espada of Monkeys Reformed Getting better at early laning

Butrzz of tilt esports We are great at everything we just need to work on champ pool laning last hitting team fighting macro and drafting

Storm- Spirecats  Drafting

Ferromancy of Literal Monkeys Reformed Communication

AlbinoSunBear of Tilt Esports Macro

Boostus of The Shattered Spire Getting better at early laning

PacaPaul of Monkeys Reformed Getting better at early laning

Chris of Optimal eSports Enigma Secret

Floragato of AK Hearts Macro

Maxim of Syndicate Legit just mental. Our team has too many egos, zuiy requires a bit too much draft resources, and we have too many cooks in the kitchen. If we don't fix these issues on the team, we likely will not make it past first or second round of playoffs

gvgnumber1 of Conduit Gremlins Macro

Eros of TSS Macro

 CTRL ULT ELITE of Tilt Esports Macro

Aeternumi of Hydropump Zebra Getting better at early laning

Queen of rats :) The entire meta shifted with item changes so lets say that

Shanedata of Fools Five Team Fighting

Yeetloaf of OEE All of the above and then some, this team is ass

Vidyarthi of Conduit Gremlins Yapping

Synthwave of The Shattered Spire Macro

Soez of Kittens with Mittens Everything

Chinese Spy of Final Boss Rebirth Macro

Wellshowthemall of Syndicates Probably our coaching staffs fall guys win rate, not even spuds has been able to carry Lost to victories

J Young of Elysian Thunder Ratpors Drafting

Final Boss Rebirth Team Fighting

Christmas of Elysian Getting better at early laning

Turpz MKY Fever Drafting

If you are asked to put on a banger while on a road trip whats is the song?

caCollin of Tilt Esports. Blink-182, the entire "Enema of the State" album

Pinei nessa poha of Conduit Gremlins no more parties in ma by kanye west

KTL. Coach of Tilt Esports Heavy is the crown

Finality of Kittens with Mittens Heavy is the Crown - Linkin Park

McFeeds of XG Rat Think About Things by Daði Freyr (seriously its a banger

Espada of Monkeys Reformed BBL Drizzy

Butrzz of tilt esports The newest worlds song like the league addict i am

Storm- Spirecats big dawgs

Ferromancy of Literal Monkeys Reformed Runaway - Onerepublic

AlbinoSunBear of Tilt Esports Most of my music is JPOP so anything in that category. Recently its been "0" by LMYK or "WithoutLove" by the same artist

Boostus of The Shattered Spire Friday by Rebecca Black

PacaPaul of Monkeys Reformed New Magic Wand - Tyler, The Creator

Chris of Optimal eSports Enigma Never Know - Bad Omens

Floragato of AK Hearts Moonshine - Caravan Palace

Maxim of Syndicate Family Ties (Baby Keem)

gvgnumber1 of Conduit Gremlins The Smile, The Face by Emery

Eros of TSS Stick season - noah kahan

CTRL ULT ELITE of Tilt Esports LVTHER Some Kind of Magic

poopsock spirecats Im gonna be

Aeternumi of Hydropump Zebra Red barchetta by rush.

Queen of rats :) Volbeat - Still Counting

Shanedata of Fools Five Dreamland by Fox Stevenson

Czi Elysium on Ice walking on a dream, shit slap hella hard

Yeetloaf of OEE Not Even Love - Seven Lions x Illenium x ASDIS

Vidyarthi of Conduit Gremlins Highway to hell

Synthwave of The Shattered Spire The Less I know the better

Soez of Kittens with Mittens More than a feeling- Boston

Wellshowthemall of Syndicates SICKO MODE

J Young of Elysian Thunder Ratpors Heavy is the crown!

Final Boss Rebirth i panic as i only listen to video game/ anime music, then i put on the hamilton soundtrack

Christmas of Elysian Kinky by bby

Turpz MKY Fever Levels avicii

Best Pop?

If you had to select 1 League of Legends champion to run for the US or Canadian election as an independent to win who would you pick to run and why?

caCollin of Tilt Esports. If I think of who's a potential winner it would be Swain, he's already in noxian politics and would play the system, unfortunately he would definitely start world War 3.

Pinei nessa poha of Conduit Gremlins Pantheon because he has such a strong mental and motivation, i think he would make a very strong leader

KTL. Coach of Tilt Esports Dr Mundo

Finality of Kittens with Mittens Ashe - Seems to want to unite the people of freljord under one banner and make the place more peaceful and prosperous. America could definitely use that

McFeeds of XG Rat Azir .... "I will guide us to glory." "Shurima will once again stretch to the horizon." "The world is a desert. I am the oasis." "We are the authors of history." Birdman is a natural born politician

Espada of Monkeys Reformed Cowgirl MissFortune shes hot and can ride me cowgirl style

Butrzz of tilt esports Jinx for pure chaos

Storm- Spirecats im way to lazy to think about this question

Ferromancy of Literal Monkeys Reformed Best at job? Braum, best chance to win? Swain

AlbinoSunBear of Tilt Esports I think Draven would be a replacement for Trump for obvious reasons.

Boostus of The Shattered Spire  Karma

PacaPaul of Monkeys Reformed Heimerdinger because he my yordle goat and honestly a scholarly lil fella

Chris of Optimal eSports Enigma Aatrox, we win any world war

Floragato of AK Hearts Jhin - It would be REALLY funny. Also would be fun to see him run his campaign with his 4 bullshit, and he'd want to run to serve 4 years.

Maxim of Syndicate Impregnator Gragas (Before Nerfs) because he would BOMBA other countries and impregnate them with democracy.

gvgnumber1 of Conduit Gremlins Ekko. Smart, invests in science, grew up poor, surrounds himself with community, doesn't necessarily want to be a leader but has a vision.

Eros of TSS Ashe cause idk

CTRL ULT ELITE of Tilt Esports Swain I think would fit right in with all the other old men in politics. He probably would be able to get most other candidates to drop after learning their secrets.

poopsock spirecats Zyra as president Teemo VP they will legalize 420 and shrooming

Aeternumi of Hydropump Zebra Darius, because then at least we could get rid of the two party system that is plaguing the US.

Queen of rats :) Diana she seems like a real one

Shanedata of Fools Five Azir, hes a good lawyer and will do what is best.

Czi Elysium on Ice prob braum cause he seems to be the most mentally well person in league and he's hella chill type shit

Yeetloaf of OEE Shaco, he's already a clown.

Vidyarthi of Conduit Gremlins Dr. Mundo - smarter

Synthwave of The Shattered Spire Jayce

Soez of Kittens with Mittens Mundo because mundo goes where he pleases

Wellshowthemall of Syndicates Mundo so he can fix the economy

J Young of Elysian Thunder Ratpors Heimerdinger. Big brain


Final Boss Rebirth bard. hes bard, thats my goat

Christmas of Elysian Kindred, She's seen many many societies and know who needs to be

ended. Won't take shit from people.

Turpz MKY Fever Garen bc he’s a chad

What are we eating for breakfast gamers?

Which league champion you find you cannot play well no matter how hard you try to learn them?

caCollin of Tilt Esports. In general, viego, idk why but that champ does not agree with me. In role, rakan, i probably just need more games but idk what im doing wrong.

Pinei nessa poha of Conduit Gremlins nidalee

KTL. Coach of Tilt Esports samira

Finality of Kittens with Mittens Skarner

McFeeds of XG Rat Fiddlesticks, love the champ but whooo boy do I int when I play it

Espada of Monkeys Reformed Riven

Butrzz of tilt esports Nilah

Storm- Spirecats heimerdinger

Ferromancy of Literal Monkeys Reformed Zyra

AlbinoSunBear of Tilt Esports Ryze 

Boostus of The Shattered Spire Aphelios

PacaPaul of Monkeys Reformed Gragas, no bomba for me :(

Chris of Optimal eSports Enigma Lee Sin

Floragato of AK Hearts Rengar

Maxim of Syndicate ivern

gvgnumber1 of Conduit Gremlins Yone

Eros of TSS Gangplank

 CTRL ULT ELITE of Tilt Esports Vladmir

poopsock spirecats Ashe - I can play the champ its just piss useless

Aeternumi of Hydropump Zebra Irelia

Queen of rats :) Ivern cant carry dogs on that champ so i dont try

Shanedata of Fools Five Lissandra

Czi Elysium on Ice feel like thats aurora for me rn

Yeetloaf of OEE Gangplank

Vidyarthi of Conduit Gremlins Lee Sin

Synthwave of The Shattered Spire Gnar

Soez of Kittens with Mittens riven

Wellshowthemall of Syndicates Aphelios

J Young of Elysian Thunder Ratpors Katarina. Like, what is that champion?

Final Boss Rebirth Leona

Christmas of Elysian Zac

Turpz MKY Fever Gangplank

Tier Lists


Finality Of Kittens







Maxim of Syndicate

gvgnumber1 of Conduit Gremlins



Vidyarthi of Conduit Gremlins

Synthwave of The Shattered Spire

Soez of Kitten



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