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BOLE Week 7 The Storm Watch

Writer's picture: StormStorm

Hello everyone and welcome to another article from me talking about our season of BOL Emerald. For those who do not know me, my name is Storm or CTRL ULT ELITE. I will be the main writer for BOL Emerald and am the Top laner this year for Tilt Esports. I have been writing for BOL for several years. I have also written content for The Nameless League, CCS and Aegis, and I have published some Fantasy Hockey and Yugioh articles in the past. If you have any feedback regarding my content, let me know! I am always happy to hear from people.

KDA Players of the Week:


Team and Role

KDA this week

Overall Team Record


ADC of Optimal Esports

6.125(Had 39 kills in 2 games)



Jungler of The Shattered Spire




Mid Laner Of TFF Aftershock




Sub? Of the Shadow Cows




Support of XG Ratatoskr 



Honourable Mentions:

POOPSOCKSBOSSMAN for having a 27.0 KDA in game 1 of the Spire Cats Vs. AK Hearts Series.

SaintofAegis for Hard Carrying on Olaf going 11/1/0 in game 2 after NitroDax5 picked MordeKaiser into you giving your team their second win of the season

Chris subbed in the Jungle for Tilt Esports in game 2 and had 18 kills and an impressive KDA but with only 1 game I cannot include them.



AK Hearts Vs. Fools Five

My Predictions: AK Hearts 2-1

AK Hearts are playing for a top 2 spot tonight with their win last week over The Spire Cats. With Niners Esports FFing last week The Spire Cats probably get a 6 point week so AKH needs a 2-0 to get the second-place seed. If AK Hearts lose they can fall all the way down to the 4th seed as the Demacaia seeds 2-4 are all within one point of each other.

For Fools Five tonight is for pride as they cannot catch any of the teams above them in points.    

 Fools Five as a team with just 1 series win and some disastrous stats are obviously the underdogs tonight. I have AK Hearts dropping a game in this series for several reasons tonight. As the season has progressed AK Hearts have basically become a team that had a strong mid-jungle duo to a team that is relying on their mid-jungle duo. Don't get me wrong Okami and XSoccer25X have been great most of this BOLE season. I worry about the rest of AKH though. Florgato has shown that they are not adept at playing as a hyper carry and has had some really rough performances recently and has started playing utility champions. Sychoghost again was someone I was expecting to dominate on fighters and pick Vayne top games but Sycoghost has been completely average only having 2 real stand-out games. These cracks showed in the last series AKH played against the Spire Cats when POOPSOCKBOSSMAN was able to solo carry game 1 thanks to their team just picking peel tools and Fools Five have shown that is how they play. And no offense to POOPSOCKBOSSMAN but Solo Mason is in his rock lee training arc and his weights are his solo laners. If Fools Five solo lanes play like real-life human beings instead of Riot Created Solo Que Loss Enforcers they should win at least a game tonight.    

Kittens With Mittens Vs. The Shattered Spire

My Predictions: Shattered Spire 2-0

  Kittens with last week's FF win have guaranteed themselves a top 4 spot in Demacia. The kittens can make it to second seed technically but I think the Niners will FF again making it so KWM cannot catch The Spire Cats.

For The Shattered Spire you have already locked the first seed in your group so tonight is just a chance to iron out some new picks or try to get yourselves higher up on the top 10 stat leader boards.  

So The Shattered Spire are the heavy favourites to take this series cleanly.  The Shattered Spire have yet to drop a game while KWM is still struggling to find their team identity dropping series to teams like NQG and their only wins against another playoff team being their series against AK Hearts. KWM is a team that should be playing and winning games early and they have yet to with a game time average of almost 34 minutes. KWM has one of the longest average game times in BOLE this season, below a 3.0 team-wide KDA sitting at a 2.9 when most playoff teams have around a 4.0 KDA. The Shattered Spire literally does everything better than KWM in tracked stats, they make more gold, kill more players, die less get more towers and kill more nurtal objectives.Pisi in the jungle is KWM’s bright spot being the only player on this team with a respectable KDA and one of the only players showing up in their losses.       


The Spire Cats Vs. Niner Esports Black

My Predictions: The Spire Cats 2-0

The Spire Cats can get the second seed back from AK Hearts as long as they win more games than AKH this week. Just like AKH it is possible to fall to the fourth seed if you drop this series and other teams win. 

The Niners have missed the playoffs as they have just 1 game win this year in BOLE.

I really doubt that Niner Esports Black will show up tonight after they forfeited their last series. Niner Esports has just a single game win this BOLE season and looks like a roster that should be playing in BOL Platnium. The Spire Cats this year have been good enough which means that they have been pretty dominant in the group of life. Just keep letting POOPSOCKSBOSSMAN dominate his bot lane opponents and this series should be curtains.   

No Quarter Gaming has the Bye

No Quarter Gaming with the bye this evening cannot make the playoffs. 


Optimal Esports Engima Vs. Dorado Gaming Epsilon

My Predictions: 2-1 OEE

As everyone knows this is the series to be watching this evening. Dorado Gaming Epsilon last week had to play with some subs and was unable to take a game last week. Combine that with OEE adding on yet another superstar Emerald playing in Ciivil and 2-0ing their match tonight is a straight-up head-to-head win and get-in for both teams.

So the match everyone is excited to see happen. Will this series be close? I think so and its honestly because both of these teams have been underperforming. I mean looking at this OEE series against the TSC some interesting things were happening. OEE did not dominate this series game 2 was super close with TSC getting Soul and the the game was within 3k gold despite being over 40 minutes and Ciivil was up almost 8k gold over Silly Goofy SCP. But DOGE has had just as many problems they dropped games to Omega Wooper, and have had an ADC player filling in their top lane for the past several weeks.

OEE and DOGE both have some really worrying team stats there is not a lot to inspire confidence in either one of them. DOGE has some of the highest death-a-game numbers in the league the only teams dying more than them are the teams sitting in 7th place. Both teams are killing less than 5.5 towers a game and have around 7 CS a minute as a team. So why do I favor OEE and why do I think they will take this series tonight? Honestly the only reason why I have faith in OEE is that they have team veterans and should be used to high-pressure games. Civil, Yeetloaf and various others on this team should mean that communication is being kept up always and things are getting talked about. DOGE does have some of the same when it comes to Hybrid Carry but everyone on OEE should be fine whereas DOGE may not be. Also if roster issues continue for DOGE it again makes a huge difference and means that OEE should take tonight.      


Conduit Gremlins Vs. Monkey Fever

My Predictions: 2-1 Conduit Gremlins

With Conduit Gremlins and Omega Wooper not having played their week 6 matchup yet it makes the points a little hard to see but Conduit has at least 4 points and both teams chasing them cannot catch them so are guaranteed to be a playoff team in Ionia. The Gremlins are playing tonight for the second seed against Monkey Fever more or less as Conduit should easily be able to beat Wooper when they play.

Monkey Fever tonight is more or less a straight-up game for second place in Ionia. 

Again Ionia is the only group where I would say that the teams are close to each other in power level. Conduit Gremlins have been abusing teams top sides to get wins with LordiSama and YoloSwagftwR. Monkey Fever has just generally been good everywhere Saelor is the number 1 rated player in BOLE currently and most of this team is in the top 5 in their respective roles. Both teams are playing much toward utility bot lanes on picks like Ziggs, Seraphine and Ashe instead of hyper-carries so the solo lanes should decide this matchup.  I have Gremlins taking tonight's series as I think their solo laner champion pools favor the Gremlins. Fever has played and prioritized the same champions almost every single week scouting them it's clear what they intend to play and these picks are countered by the main picks of the Gremlins. 

Monkeys Reformed Vs. Omega Wooper

My Predictions: 2-0 Reformed

Unless Reformed fails to show up tonight they lock first in this group.

Wooper is probably finishing the season last place in Ionia having a very tough group.

This series should be a blowout for the side of Monkeys Reformed. Wooper has not had a good week in BOLE honestly looking like one of the worst teams in the league. Monkeys Reformed are the near polar opposite having beaten some of the better looking teams in the league and are probably the favourites to win this season. I am not going to get into the stats as it would just be bullying.   

The Shadow Cows Has the Bye

The Shadow Cows are unable to make playoffs as they have just 21 points including the bye points.


Final Boss Rebirth Vs. Syndicate Crashouts

My Predictions: Syndicate 2-0

For Rebirth you are competing for the final seed in Noxus alongside your sister team Alpha as well as the Star Weavers as currently all 3 teams are tied with 21 points. For Rebirth tonight is a must-win as the other two teams play each other so one will get above 5 points. Rebirth has the H2H record over Alpha so you are praying that your sister team wins this evening. 

For Syndicate winning tonight means that you can keep the second seed in Noxus. Losing tonight potentially puts you as the third seed.

Syndicate should take this series tonight super easily as I really do not have any faith in either of these final boss rosters. When one team is making more gold a game(Syndicate) on average despite having a 4-minute shorter game time things are cooked. Syndicate has nearly double the KDA of Rebirth, takes 3 more towers a game on average, and farms more I think you get the picture. Rebirths best player is their support another sign of the end times. Syndicate is a team all about lane aggression and snowballing and playing teams like Rebirth quick domination is the expected result, not the goal. 

TFF Aftershock Vs. XG Rataoskr

My Predictions: XG 2-1

TFF with a win tonight can claim the second seed in this group and show the other teams in BOL that they have a solid roster. This is not guaranteed as Syndicate has a 2 point lead over you(they would need to lose for you to pass them and the H2H means you need a lead so you must 2-0 for a realistic chance) The three teams below you in the standings cannot catch so you cannot slide down the rankings. Tonight should be a solid showcase if this team is a real contender or merely a good team in a bad group. 

XG have locked first place in this group. Even with a 0-2 performance this team remains as the first seed.

I honestly think that XG will have their hardest series of the entire BOLE season tonight against TFF. TFF has finally found a roster that works together with WockWarlock in the top lane and Rutledge in his mid-lane home with the remaining players staying in their respective postions. On the other hand XG has dominated Noxus all Season having only 1 game they played where they ended the game with less than a 10k gold lead. Both of these teams have players that have made a name for themselves playing their best on 2-3 picks. Rutledge in mid dominates on Velkoz, Lux and Ziggs while Mei in the Botlane always Plays Zeri, Ziggs and Ezreal.  Will both teams send bans here or try counter picks? OFT27 in the mid-lane is also having an incredible season and is another level of competition compared to the mid-laners Rutledge has played in the past 2 weeks. XG should still be the favorties to win this game tonight they have shown that everyone on this roster works together well knows their assignments and can win their own fights when needed.   


Final Boss Alpha Vs. Dynasty Star Weavers

My Predictions: Star 2-1

For Alpha to claim the last playoff spot they must win this series tonight and hope that Syndicate can beat their sister team as Rebirth has the H2H record over you. 

For Dynasty Star Weavers you must win this series tonight to make playoffs. DSW has the H2H over Rebirth and Syndicates should win that matchup so your team has the best chance at claiming the 4th seed. 

The Streamed Game of the Week is the decider in Noxus of who will make the fourth seed overall. Again both of these teams have struggled a lot this season and are on close to an equal playing field. Final Boss Alpha is the much more aggressive team their games normally have around 2 kills a minute while the star Weavers have a much higher team KDA dying 7 less times a game but having a lot less kills and assists. Both teams have really struggled against the top teams in Noxus failing to take towers in their losse but the Star Weavers are taking 1 tower more a game on average. Both teams have decent Dragon scores but again Star Wavers have taken more overall. The biggest reason that I favour Star Weavers tonight is that they are more consistent in farming better and making more gold a game and gold a minute. Sure LIMBLESSFREAK of Alpha is probably the best player playing in this series tonight but I think that overall the Star Weavers should be on top.  

Maelstrom Esports has the bye

Maelstrom cannot catch any teams in Noxus.


Elysian Thunder Raptors Vs. Tilt Esports

My Predictions: N/A

The Thunder Raptors with 21 points cannot catch Mint with 28 points so they end the season outside of playoffs.

Tilt Esports with a win tonight locks the first seed in the Freljord division and comes second if they lose this evening.  

TTM Aegaeon Vs. Clown Gaming Blood Moon

My Predictions:  Clown 2-1

TTM has locked a playoff spot. The only way that they can move in the standings is to have the teams above them lose.  

Clown has been eliminated from playoffs as they only have 19 points. 

Clowns' current roster is undefeated. They are probably going to finish undefeated and miss playoffs unlucky. In all honesty, tonight's matchup should probably be close. TTM has not had a close series yet in BOLE. They have either gotten stomped by teams like TILT and ICE or dominated weaker teams than them like HydroPump and Thunder Raptors. Necro in the bot lane has easily been the best player on this roster who is top 4 in the league at gold a minute and top 10 in kills a game. Squiggz the ADC of Clown in thier game had the stats to match Necro and we need to see if he can. Taunty2k has realized that they are the team's tank and initiation player who should be looking to stonewall Matty. I doubt that Taunty is able to get any sort of advantage early and FallN will have 1 less lane to play through. Diamandis is the actual reason that I think Clown will win as they are a carry unlike EAST Pity has been more or less thrown to utility duty. Diamandis is playing champions that can change the game easily picking the Wind Brothers last week as well as Brand Mid having huge individual leads. 

HydroPump Zebra Vs. Elysium on Ice

My Predictions: 2-0 On Ice

With 18 Points HydroPump has been eliminated from playoff contention as the maximum points they can achieve is 24.

Elysium with their loss on Sunday is now sitting at second place in the Freljord and is relying on Tilt to lose to reclaim the first seed. If ICE loses again tonight ICE can fall to the third seed in Freljord. 

HydroPump has not clicked together as a team and drafting has been a major issue for them this season. Hydro are drafting incredibly low-damage compositions constantly and generally picking non-synergistic champions together. Having drafts that are hard to play is not letting Hydro play effectively they have the worst stats in the league almost getting 2.6 towers a game and just 1.2 dragons all while have 25 deaths a game. On the Other side ICE has drafted really well this season coming into every series with a plan and has some of the best stats in the league. 3.1 Dragons a game, a 4.57 team KDA, 7 towers taken a game the stats between these two teams are just such a huge gap. Even last week when TILT played 2 incredibly long games Hydro claimed just 3 towers and 3 dragons in 70 minutes worth of games.  

Mint Gaming Mafia Has the Bye

Mint with their win last week has secured the fourth seed in the Freljord division. TTM has the H2H over Mint so even if they go 0-2 tonight they still are above Mint as the third seed.

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