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BOLE Winter 2024 Demacia Division

Hello everyone and welcome to a new season of BOL Emerald. The format for this year of BOLE is four groups playing a round robin. The top 4 teams from every group advance to the playoffs. For those who do not know me, my name is Storm or CTRL ULT ELITE. I will be the main writer for BOL Emerald and am the Top laner this year for Tilt Esports. I have been writing for BOL for several years. I have also written content for The Nameless League, CCS and Aegis, and I have published some Fantasy Hockey and Yugioh articles in the past. If you have any feedback regarding my content, let me know! I am always happy to hear from people.

With 28 teams and so many players that I do know and I have a severe case of writer's block so I am going to cover one group a week for the next four weeks(I should get out Freljord for Tuesday). Today's article will cover my initial thoughts on the Demacia division. Remember, most of this ranking is based on name recognition and looking at of the teams so ELO average and solo queue stats heavily influence my ratings. Overall team synergy is very hard to find when looking at a roster on paper. BOL Emerald is also fearless this season, so champion pool flexibility will be discussed much more than usual.

Teams are sorted into one of several tiers. S-tier teams are the frontrunners to win BOLE this season and should finish first in their group. A-tier teams are playoff locks and will be able to challenge any team but might have a single team member holding them back. Teams in the B tier are the teams I expect will finish fourth in their groups and are teams that will be first-round playoff exits just making it into playoffs having weaknesses as a team. C-tier teams are the teams that I think have a shot at punching up and claiming a playoff spot but will not be competitive in the playoffs if they make it in. D-tier teams are the teams that I do not think have any real shot at making the postseason, as I think most players on the roster have issues.

The points total listed on a roster is how high a team's solo queue rating is for its main roster as of September 6th. I wrote this then so that no roster swaps are being recorded. An entire team of D4 players would be 40 points. The BOLE average ELO is Emerald 4 this split. Most teams are close to this, but there are several outliers. 


The Average Elo of Demacia is Emerald 4 or 21.5 a team. Demacia looks like the group of life. Every team has some sort of issue that I can see and only AK Hearts has an excellent solo queue point total. I think that AK Hearts, The Shattered Spire and Fools Five will easily be the top 3 in Demacia(I am unsure of what order), and the remaining four teams are battling for the last playoff spot. 

My Demacia End of Year Predictions

  1. AK Hearts

  2. Shattered Spire

  3. Fools Five

  4. Kittens With Mittens 

  5. No Quarter Gaming

  6. Spire Cats

  7. Niner Esports

The Shattered Spire

Point Total: 31 

Tier: B

This Shattered Spire is a team that I recognize as they just played in Aegis Emerald last split and finished 6th in their group with a 3-4 record. I think that The Shattered Spire overall is a good team not a great team, which is why I have them in B Tier. I am not expecting TSS to win BOLE but they will be competitive. TSS in Aegis played mostly scaling team compositions focusing on Boostus with the rest of the team generally playing more supportive roles. I still don't really like how this team fits together as just about every player on The Shattered Spire plays better as a strong side carry. Sure Synthwave and witchatblakmass can play tanks but they are way better at playing carries. I do not think Fearless will be kind to TSS and is the main reason that they are not in my A tier. 

In the top lane Synthwave had some of the more explosive games for TSS. Synthwave has a concise selection of champions that they play whenever possible. I feel like Fearless might be an issue for Synthwave moving forward as they have only five champions, which they generally play. There is a good mix of tanks, bruisers, and AP threats in Synthwaves champion pool so expect them to be a powerhouse in game 1. As far as overall solo queue stats Synthwave does good damage when playing carries but tends to overgroup and does not play super aggressively. A lot of games Synthwave was forced to be the weakside tank in Aegis for TSS so their stats were not great in that league.

Witchatblakmass is a jungler who dominated weaker teams in Aegis and was at one point the number 1 rated player in the league. Witchatblakmass again has a focused champion pool they play Fiddlesticks(who their account seems to be named after) whenever possible. Witchatblakmass does play tank junglers but looks most at home on more carry orientated picks like Brand and Viego and Xin Zhao. witchatblakmass ganks early often getting fist blood in 20% of his games but generally falls behind in macro play and if often not ready to contest objectives when they spawn.   

Eros joined The Shattered Spire late last season in AEL after Blue Pearl Spire collapsed. They only played two matches with The Shattered Spire and looked good in both. Eros has the champion pool that you love to see and hate to play against its control mage city with almost every scaling AP threat under the sun and a couple of AD mid flex picks like Corki and Tristana. Eros is a great laner who farms well and does good damage as the game continues but lacks early agency like most of TSS.

Boostus individually had a great season in Aegis having a 4.40 KDA they were easily the best ADC to not make playoffs. Boostus when given the time and space needed to carry will do so. They look fantastic on late game hyper carries like Jinx and Kai’Sa but often has a rough laning phase being behind in gold at 15 minutes. Boostus shined brightly in mid game teamfights time and time again and was generally the rallying force behind TSS wins. I have high hopes for them again this split and as an ADC they should generally be unaffected by fearless.

Wanderer was the other late-season addition to The Shattered Spire and I am glad to see them back. Wanderer is as more of a mid laner than they are a support and they play some really wacky stuff in the mid lane like Naafiri, Lilia, Swain and Illaoi. As a support player Wanderer plays much more towards enchanters and I hope this will give Boostus what he needs to perform in lane. Wanderer does play engage champions as well if the team needs and I hope they are comfortable acting as engage as every other player on TSS wants lots of gold and to sit behind a meatball.      

Niner Esports Black

Point Total: 17(Plat 1 Average)

Tier: C

Niners Esports Black is a team where I do not recognize any players on the roster. I have Niner Esports in the C tier as there are some glaring issues to me on this roster: several players are playing their off role, quite a few players seem to be quite specialized in their champion picks, and Niners got bodied in their week one matchup. But the niners look like they have some solid players so they should pick up wins especially in Demacia. Niners Esports Black look to be trying to play more towards the late game with scaling mages and hyper carry ADCs. TurkeyCapper looks like they will be playing as the teams engage and 1ce will be mostly looking to side lane and get the team early gold. I am unsure how this is really going to work out as 3 players on this team require an absolute ton of gold to really carry but if teams let Niners scale for free I can see them crushing late game fights.

1ce in the top lane for Niner Esports looks to be the only lane that plays aggressive champions for Niners Esports. 1ce mostly plays towards more split push focused champions like Urgot, Nasus and Yorick but does play some more traditional fighters like Renekton and Mordekaiser while having a few tank champions available to them. My major worry for 1ce is despite playing these champions who generally farm a huge amount, they are only getting 6.7 cs a minute and getting two solo kills a game with below a 2.0 KDA. All of these numbers need to be way higher if you are playing in comp as split push is way more challenging to pull off with comms. 1ce does play a lot of mid-lane as well so maybe the team can pull off some clever lane swaps as the series progresses and their champion pool gets more pinched.

Turkey Capper is the first player on this Niners Esports team that is playing their off role. TurkeyCapper is mostly a Garen one-trick this season and has played just as many games as a support as they have as a jungler. They have jungled in previous seasons but it always looks like their off-role top lane has been their main role. What Jungle stats I can find for TurkeyCapper worries me a lot. TurkeyCapper plays all in towards fighting and ganking they farm poorly to try and snowball their lanes. While this again is great in Solo queue it can be a death sentence for comp play, especially when most of your lanes look to have very little gank setup and you look to be the solo frontline for your team. TurkeyCapper is dying seven times per game on average in solo queue, which is ridiculously high(they continued to do this in week 1) and generally builds towards full damage(lethality J4, full ap Volibear). Turkey Capper also does not seem to play a lot of different junglers. As far as I can tell they play about 5 junglers with any sort of regularity so fearless may be a massive issue for them. 

AMidLaneMain is the biggest red flag and worry for me on this Niners roster. AMidLaneMain is currently in gold and most seasons finish around there in solo queue. AMidLaneMain did get to Emerald briefly this season(for five games) and then fell off an ELO cliff. AMidLaneMain plays a vast roster of champions so fearless should suit them well but I worry that they have no dedicated main champion and that they seem to swap roles constantly. AMidLaneMain almost always is trying a new role out and plays mid almost as a backup. It has been 3 years since AMidLaneMain has played a champion in the mid-lane for more than 20 games. They are also what I refer to as a protagonist player AMidLaneMain is either his teams hero or is spriting it. AMidLaneMain plays league to try and outplay going for solo kills whenever possible, looking for picks and farming relentlessly (for a plat player). This also means that AMidLaneMain also gets caught a ton, donates massive bounties constantly and is going to get eaten alive when they try and outplay players that are way better than they are used to.

Euphor1c is without a doubt the strongest-looking player on this Niners esports roster. Euphor1c at ADC has hit diamond four seasons straight at one point or another(they were Diamond in March this year), actually mains their role and is an ADC, so they generally cannot get banned out. Euphor1c farms well has good KDAs on his main champions(over 3.0 KDA) and like all ADCs generally swaps to whatever is the most popular. Euphor1c has a lot cut out for them as Smolder their best champion by far according to the stats looks like it might get permabanned this season. My other worry is while Euphor1c does play some dive ADCs like KaiSa and Samira they do not play a lot of more of the self sufficient ADCs and I think most of theis niners roster is looking to dive instead of peel.

lovers by choice at support is mostly a thresh player who also plays their off role mid more than they play other supports. They have great stats on Thresh for several seasons but do not look the best on other supports being down on gold at 15 in solo queue. lovers by choice also does not seem to play a lot of the more traditional engage champions something that Niners desperately need to relieve the pressure on TurkeyCapper.

Kittens With Mittens

Jungle: Pisi#NA1

Point Total: 19 Emerald 4 Average

Tier: B

Kittens with Mittens are a team that should be all about early game skirmishes and trying to end games early. If they are unable to get early leads Kittens With Mittens are probably doomed. Even though this team lost in week 1they have made some roster changes that should make them a better team. Kittens with Mittens grabbed a more aggressive support and mid-laner and I think are going to try and draft more like they did in game 1 across the rest of BOL. I have this team in the B their

Soez is almost the typical top lane player playing almost exclusively for lane domination on their champions and side laning. Soez has below 35% kill participation on nearly every champion that they play, playing only for the side lane. It is working for them right now they have good farming stats and damage amounts and generally positive win rates. Again I worry that Soez has never been above platinum and plays very aggressively. Trying to outskill and out lane gets a lot harder when they are generally an entire division higher rank than you are like what happened in games 2 and 3 of week 1. As far as the champion pool concerns Soez very much has a top 3 but does play a ton of champions every season, so they should be fine in fearless.   

Pisi is an incredibly aggressive jungler who wants to gank early and often and wants objectives. Pisi does not play a lot of champions this season who I usually associate with this playstyle but has played them in the past. Pisi is very much a carry jungler they have next to no tank junglers in their champion pool and have expanded their champion pool this season to a lot of the AP junglers that are part of the meta. Pisi has a feast or famine playstyle; they die on average half of their pre-15 ganks but get 1st blood in almost 90% of their games. We can again look at week one and see Pisi was probably the MVP of game 1 and made the most gold of anyone on KWM in game 2, but in game 3 forced onto a champion they don't really play and looked awful. 

Vrang the new mid-laner for KWM looks to fit the aggressive early playstyle that the team wants. Vrang plays many champions with great gank assistance and early skirmishing power like Leblanc, Annie and Ryze. Vrang can hopefully roam and play with Pisi to create a strong point 2v2 for KWM. The worry I have for Vrang is that they do not play a lot of the traditional wave clear control mages something that the Kittens need. Vrang plays quite aggressively in solo queue and also dies a lot the first 15 minutes of the game is when Vrang is at their best. Vrang has played mid for several seasons and has a large selection of AP mages but has not put much time on a lot of the more commonly seen AD mids.

   Finality is another emerald new comer climbing up from gold. Finality has always been an ADC main and has a major preference for hyper scaling ADCs like Aphelios and Jinx. My worry for Finality is that the rest of Kittens are not looking to play for late game they are trying to end games early and these ADCs do not mesh. I think if Finality can lean more towards being a utility ADC or try to stick to self peel ADCs like Ezreal and Zeri they will better mesh with their team. Finality has great farming numbers across the board it seems to be his strong suit. Their damage numbers are great in solo queue on their hyper carries but suffers a lot on less mobile champions.

DevilsRizen at support is the engage prospect that the Kittens desperately need. Every single lane besides bot lane wants to fight early and often and supports that can cut off escapes and provide CC to let your teammates burst will be invaluable. DevilsRizen plays lots of Thresh, Braum, Rell and Leona and has played plenty of Rakkan in the past. I really do think that with the meager amounts of wave clear and scaling that the rest of this team plays, DevilsRizen will be the key to unlocking this team. If DevilsRizen knows when they can roam to get their lanes ahead while allowing Finality the ability to carry KWM should dominate every early game. But if DevilsRizen gets killed early I would not be surprised to see their KDA plummet and this team to falter when they need it most. DevilsRizen has enough champions available to them to not worry about fearless and nothing in their solo queue stats is worth talking about. They die a lot as tanks, have high kill participation and ward well what more can you ask from your support? 

The Spire Cats

Support: iBecketti#NA1

Point Total: 26 Emerald 3 Average 

Tier: C

So Watercat or AquaFelis is the player we all recognize from this Spire roster(that is not me in the top lane), but the rest of this team is unknown to me. What The Spire Cats do have is a team playing for a 4-1 style that spikes very hard in the midgame with Storm playing more towards side lane threats like Yone and Jax. The non-top laners of The Spire Cats play a lot of the champions in solo queue who are very pick-potential-focused (Zoe, Vi, Ekko). As such, I think The Spire Cats will be a team trying to play for grubs and are looking for early invades. The Spire Cats have many flexible champion options open to them as well and have some versatility, so I expect them to do well in Demacia. Losing that badly to The Shattered Spire in week one makes me think that The Spire Cats are a C-tier team. 

Storm in the Top lane has a flexible champion pool playing multiple roles, but in the top lane seems to mainly focus on split pushers like Yone, Camille and Jax. There are small amounts of every type in their solo queue from tanks of Skarner and Kstante to the bruisers of Sett and Renekton. Storm appears to be new to the emerald scene having been gold most of their career and moving up to emerald in 2023. They are currently emerald 2 While Storm does do a lot of damage in solo queue they are playing super aggressively having a sub 2.0 KDA on almost every champion they play and dying 6 times a game on average while being below 7 CS a minute. While that playstyle can work expect a lot more outside interference in the 1v1 in comp.

SödiumHydrøxide is a jungle main through and through playing very few games in other roles and enjoying things that make their teammates angry when forced into support(Twitch, FiddleSticks and Anivia Support). When jungling SödiumHydrøxide plays the early game with a focus on early ganks playing a lot of champions with potent early games like Vi, Talyiah and Nunu. Ap junglers are another comfort for SödiumHydrøxide with a fair amount of games on Ekko and Diana. My worry is that SödiumHydrøxide has next to no games on what the current Jungle meta seems to be Burn Mages and engage Tanks. SödiumHydrøxide plays a fairly high tempo style in solo queue hopefully they can adjust to comps more calm tempo.

WaterCat or AquaFelis is a name I sure we all recognize from Twitch Chat. They are almost always watching the amateur scene and talking constantly. AquaFelis is someone I played several years ago and frustrated us to end when they picked scaling mages mid like Seraphine who just stalemated mid lane until they could explode us in team fights. AquaFelis just plays a lot of champions looking at their everything from control mages like Hwei and Veigar, to poke like Zoe and Xearth and even the mid alne ADCs of Smolder and Corki. AquaFelis is who I expect to be the primary voice for this team so expect a lot of plays to come from mid lane roams.

POOPSOCKBOSSMAN is one of the fabled soloqueue warriors. They have played 144 games of solo queue in the past month. They have also gone on a huge slump in the past week losing about 500 LP falling from emerald 2 down to platinum 2. They have good solo queue stats when they have a “playable” game but often fail to get there. POOPSOCKBOSSMAN is often down gold in the early game and starts to shine towards the late parts of games.Overall POOPSOCKBOSSMAN should be an asset with a huge champion pool but they may tilt on the face of the earth in a longer series.

iBecketti looks to be a support that should mesh well with the overall pick nature of The Spire Cats. iBecketti plays a lot of hook champions as well as supports who are much more defenisvely focused to ensure that POOPSOCKBOSSMAN can scale. iBecketti loses points for playing the parasite frequently and off roles top lane as a tank player. Again I do not think iBecketti needs to worry about playing fearless they play a large number of supports and have plenty of options available to them. 

Fools Five

Point Total: 23(Emearld 3 Average)

Tier: B

Fools Five probably have one of the best players in the entire league in Solo Mason on this team and I hope that they can play for him. Fools Five is not one of my favourites to win the league because I am concerned about every player on this roster other than Solo Mason. Fearless looks like Fools Five worst nightmare as 3 of the team plays over two-thirds of their solo queue games on 3 champions or less. At least Fools Five realizes they have a superstar player the 2 drafts we have seen from Fools Five have focused on supporting Solo Mason, giving him a front line and engage. But someone else needs to step up you cannot rely on one player to do 1100 dmg a minute for the season.

Sk509 does not play much ranked every season and seems to practice only a few champions in the top lane, so I am worried for them in Fearless. Only playing seven different champions in ranked for a year is a worrying trend. On the bright side Sk509 does have good stats on picks that only some are comfortable playing against and may draw bans. Sk509 also does a good job playing safe in ranked and does not die a lot while split-pushing. Again I don’t know how much we will see these champions in comp and Sk509 played more towards safe picks and was picking blind so I kind of doubt we will see the Yorick anytime soon.

Herondale looks to be a fill player playing every role every season. As such Herondale plays a ton of different champions in the jungle and is nearly Diamond so they are doing something right. Herondale plays champions that have powerful early ganks playing lots of Skarner, Vi and Zac. With such a large champion pool fearless looks like it is made for Herondale and they would even be able to swap if their teammates are ever banned out. As far as their solo queue stats Herondale has over a 3.0 KDA on a majority of the junglers that they play and farms over 8 CS a minute on the junglers they play that full clear. I think Herondale will be playing mostly toward utility and tanks in the jungle for Fools Five to protect Solo Mason.

Shanedata while being a low platinum player just seems to need to put in the games on their champions to climb. Again I really worry about Shanedata’s champion pool; they are more or less an Akshan 1 trick and have been for three seasons. What Shanedata has going for them is phenomenal stats in solo queue, having above a 3.0 KDA on every champ that they played for over five games are doing good damage and dies infrequently. Again my worry is the random 1 off-games that Shanedata has played have not been good. Every champion that Shanedata has played less than five games they have a negative win rate on. I also know that Akshan is a very unique champion and can build some really bad habits so Shanedata hopefully can avoid these pitfalls this season. AMidLaneMain was not exactly a great eye test and I want to see some more games from them.

Solo Mason is the best ADC in the BOL this season and I do not think it is very close. Solo Mason looks like they should graduate to Diamond by the end of BOL. Solo Mason is the first player I have seen who is averaging nearly 8 cs a minute on every champion they play and doing over 800 damage a minute on almost every ADC they play while maintaining nearly 4.0 KDAs. I think that Solo Mason is someone you will hear a lot about this season. I expect them to win quite a few series MVPs for Fools Five. Solo Mason has a lot of games on lots of different ADCs this year everything from lane bullies to utility. The 1 thing that Solo Mason does not play a lot of is hyper carries but thats almost an advantage if Solo Mason is doing this well while being able to play things with more utility it frees the rest of Fools Five to play more offensive champions. In week 1, Solo Mason did 1100 dmg a minute and farmed 8.4 CS a minute. What a freak.

Draconical is a comp player that has been around for a long time. As a support this should give them some tremendous shot calling amd I am excited to see how they do for Fools Five. Draconical does not play a lot of more traditional supports seeming to prefer to play more extremes playing Ammumu as their primary engage champion and lots of Xearth and Seraphine. Im not really sure how well they will mesh with Solo Mason as Solo Mason plays a lot more of a general role as an ADC but hopefully Draconical will be able to adapt and pick things that mesh for their bot lane instead of comfort picks. In solo queue Draconical does not play very aggressively but has great vision scores and dies only 4.6 times a game on average.   

AK Hearts

Point Total: 30(Emearld 2 Average)

Tier: A

AK Hearts features most of Team Syndicate from last year Raijin, Okami and XSoccer25X. Okami, XSoccer25X and Raijin, during the regular season, were some of the best players in the league and finished last season second in their group and made the top 8. Last season, that syndicate team had players swap roles at some truly odd times, and I am glad to see that everyone is back to where I think they are best. AK Hearts had a bye in week one so I only have their solo queue data. AK Hearts on paper looks like an excellent team leaning towards late-game team fighting. Raijin and Okami last season ran the Piltover division and with some supportive elements from the rest of the team looks to be a team I think will make a playoff run.  

Sycoghost is a new player to me. They are an ADC main who moved to top lane towards the end of last season. Sycoghost plays mostly towards strong side champions and fighters. I am surprised to see that they have very few games of Vayne top being an ADC player but they never touched the champion in bot lane. As a top laner Sycoghost is all about the side lane they have really low kill participation numbers but have great CS numbers. I don’t expect Sycoghost to be an all star but they do not worry me either.

XSoccer25X has been grinding solo queue relentlessly for the past two seasons. XSoccer25X has played over 400 games of solo queue just this split and has climbed to Emearld from being Silver 2 when I last saw them in BOLE last split and swapped to jungle in playoffs. XSoccer25X has made this swap permanent and is now a jungle main. They have branched out their champion pool from playing the standard tank junglers of Maokai and Sejuani to a lot of much more carry oriented picks in solo queue like Viego, Kindred and Brand. XSoccer25X should be a great jungle player I am excited to see where their climb takes them this season.

Okami was the best jungler in BOLE last season until they swapped to mid lane. Okami in their brief time at mid lane also looked really good the only playoff win they got last season was off mostly off of Okamis shockwaves on Orianna. Okami honestly just looks incredible solid across the board farming 7.5 CS a minute or more on almost everyone that they play and having high KDAs and doing lots of damage in solo queue. Okami does play a lot of mid lane champions as well with games on everything from AD mids to Poke Mages, control mages and some serious scaling threats. Okami I think is probably going to be one of the best mid laners this BOLE season.

Raijin is back to being an ADC thank god their top lane play left a ton to be desired from what little I saw of it in playoffs. Raijin has been trying a lot of new roles out in solo queue playing lots of mid-lane and recently support. As an ADC Raijin is playing a lot more of the ADCs that are less popular their most played champion is Sivir followed by Kogmaw and Smolder. Raijin was a beast last split they were one of the best players in the league playing this farming style and got several MVPs. Raijin farms well being close to 8 CS a minute on all the champions they play and plays well in a death ball.


Floragato is the only player on this AK Hearts roster I have serious questions about. Floragato looks to be an outstanding Smolder ADC player who has been slotted into support. They have played around 40 games of support in the past three seasons in solo queue. What little I can find shos that Floragato plays a lot of Senna and not much else. There is a few games of Hwei and random one off-champions not really enough to make any sort of predictions about them. As an ADC Floragato is terrible at vision control which is again a huge red flag at support. But with being a 60% winrate ADC in d4 they should have some idea of what to do and have a great ADC in Raijin to tell them what to do.

No Quarter Gaming

Support: Halfling#Leg

Point Total: 26 Emerald 3 Average

Tier: C

No Quarter Gaming is a more mid game focused team looking to create plays with CC. NQG has a lot of different ways that they can look to play the game with carry potential from every lane. Games that NQG win I think are mostly going to be dependent on how their early laning goes. There is a lack of standard wave clear carries on this roster and lots of engage heavy champions. NQG have the ability to snowball they won both their games in week one before 25 minutes but lost their first game of the series really badly. My major worry for NQG and why they are in C tier is that there are a lot of relatively shallow champion pools on this team, very few flex picks, and a rather lackluster bot lane.

PiggyAI despite having a Sejuani profile picture and name has barely touched the champion. They named themselves this because they were an Alistar top player for half a split in 2023? Anyways PiggyAi looks to be a rather annoying top laner playing a lot of very stat check focused champions like Volibear, Olaf and Trundle. PiggyAi also plays a lot of AD top laners from Ranged bullshit like Akshan and Vayne to Gangplank. PiggyAi also has a couple of tanks in their champion pool, like Alistar, Ornn and K’Satne. In Solo queue PiggyAi is playing for dueling but in week 1 PiggyAI was playing more as the engage tank player on this team. 

NQG Snapback most exciting feature is that in solo queue they play entirely for themselves acting as a carry instead of ganking and trying to assist their teammates early on. NQG Snapback plays champions who Powerfarm think Karthus and Bel’Veth and is able to take objectives. I doubt that they are going to play like this in comp and we can see in week 1 that they played more champions who are more proactive early like Udyr and Volibear. 

Gozer is a mid who seems to be playing a lot towards skirmishing power and CC. I imagine that they are going to look to shove out their lane whenever possible and then look to support NQG Snapback. Gozer plays well early game in solo queue and is able to get picks to snowball themselves on champions like Ahri and Talyiah. I think that we are also going to see lots of their Orianna this season especially with NGQ Snapback playing lots of great ball delivery. I am a little concerned about the size of Gozer’s champion pool they play most of their games on 5 champions and were an ADC player 2 years ago. Hopefully they are able to pick up some ADC mids quickly to ensure that Snapback can draft AP if they so choose.

NQG Muzzrah to me looks like one the weaker ADC players I have looked at. NQG Muzzrah has more or less been an Ashe and Miss Fortune two trick in solo queue for the past three seasons. They were given both champions in their week 1 match and did not look great on either. Their Samira game was where they popped off when they could take counterpick with it. NQG Muzzrah only did 570 damage a minute in week 1 way less than they average in solo queue. If I was NQG Muzzrah I would start practcing other ADCs in solo queue they need to be familiar with the role that goes through the most build refinement and changes.   

Halfing at support fits in the style of No Quarter Gaming playing mostly engage champions. Halfling does not have the greatest vision score in solo queue but fights a lot. When Halfling is not playing engage champions they play very defensive sticking to Karma, Braum and Renata Glasc.  


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