Hello all of you Blue Otter League fans and players and staff and whoever else reads this stuff. This is the final week of the BOL Gold regular season, and we have confirmed most of the playoff teams, and some teams have even locked their exact playoff seeds in already. This week, I am changing the formula slightly, and only discussing teams that are still capable of making playoffs, mainly because there is not much to say for teams that will not be making it. Last week I forgot to tell everyone how my predictions went, but I am too lazy to look back that far, but for week 9, I predicted 10 out of 10 matches correctly, with 6 even having the perfect game scores too! (The other 2 matches were FFs and I am not putting into the predictions here). I know a lot of people skim read or skip the intros altogether, so lets get into it. With only 1 week remaining until playoffs, the most points a team can receive will be 6, and the lowest (assuming no FF) will be 2.
North Division:
Congratulations to CB Rangers for locking in their 1st seed for the North Division playoffs. You guys have a guaranteed round 1 bye, and also congratulations to Oasis NADs for securing the 2nd seed for playoffs. However, the third playoff seed is still not locked for this division.
CB Rangers 8-1, 16-3, 49 Points
Highest Possible Points - 55
Lowest Possible Points - 51

Matchups Remaining: KQC Well, CB Rangers have the 1st round playoff bye locked up, win or lose (or even FF win OR loss), it will not matter. You guys can legit take this week off if you want, and still secure your playoff bye. CB Rangers slipped up once this season vs Gob Squad, but have looked solid in the rest of their matches. They only dropped 3 games total in the entire season so far, 2 to Gob Squad in their one match loss, and one to Imperial Gaming. Given this teams trajectory, I expect them to at least get to Semi-Finals if not Finals.
Oasis NADs 6-3, 13-7, 42 Points Highest Possible Points - 48 Lowest Possible Points - 44
Matchups Remaining: Final Esports
Oasis NADs have officially secured the 2nd seed for playoffs, so long as they show up and play their match vs Final Esports this week. Beating Final Esports would deny them a shot at the 3rd seed altogether, so Oasis NADs can just show up and crush some dreams, or even play around with a new comp they need to test before playoffs.
Imperial Gaming 5-4, 13-11, 37 Points Highest Possible Points - 43 Lowest Possible Points - 39
Matchups Remaining: Gob Squad

Imperial Gaming is in a very tricky spot, they are currently number 3 in the standings, but Final Esports and Gob Squad could both challenge them for that 3rd seed. A simple victory over God Squad will guarantee them the final seed for this division, and Gob Squad has been on a slump for the past few weeks, but should not be underestimated, as they are the only team to beat CB Rangers in a full match.
Gob Squad 4-5, 9-11, 34 Points Highest Possible Points - 40 Lowest Possible Points - 36

Matchups Remaining: Imperial Gaming Gob Squad vs Imperial Gaming is the match of the week for the North Division. This match determines if Imperial Gaming lock up the 3rd playoff seed, or if Gob Squad, and potential even Final Esports, can challenge for that 3rd seed. This week is huge for Gob Squad, and they need to prove that their slump over the last few weeks was just that, a slump.
Final Esports 4-5, 9-11, 34 Points
Highest Possible Points - 40
Lowest Possible Points - 36
Matchups Remaining: Oasis NADS
Final Esports have the longest shot ever to make playoffs at 3rd seed. They need Gob Squad to defeat Imperial Gaming 2-0. Then they need to beat Oasis NADs 2-0. THEN they need to beat Gob Squad in a tiebreaker match. Shew, thats a lot to hope for, but this is the miracle run that teams sometimes pull off and get a confidence boost going into playoffs.
South Division:
Congratulations to NSG Infinity, Crimson Dolphins, and CB Royal for making playoffs. While your seeds are not locked, no other team in this division can make playoffs at this point, and all 3 of these teams are guaranteed a playoffs seed. NSG Infinity 7-2, 15-5, 46 Points
Highest Possible Points - 52 Lowest Possible Points - 48 Matchups Remaining: Dead Orbit

NSG Infinity have secured a playoff spot, and can secure the first seed if they match or do better than Crimson Dolphins in this final week. What a close division, as NSG Infinity and Crimson Dolphins kind of went back and forth holding the 1st and 2nd place in this division throughout the season.
Crimson Dolphins 7-2, 15-6, 45 Points Highest Possible Points - 51 Lowest Possible Points - 47

Matchups Remaining: CB Royal
Crimson Dolphins have secured a playoff seed, but if they want to secure 1st seed, they need to have NSG Infinity do worse than them this final week of the regular season, and with CB Royal on a hot climb in this division, they have likely their toughest and highest pressure match of the season this final week. Crimson Dolphins have nothing to lose, and a 1st round playoff
bye to gain.
CB Royal 6-3, 13-8, 39 Points
Highest Possible Points - 45
Lowest Possible Points - 41

Matchups Remaining: Crimson Dolphins
CB Royal vs Crimson Dolphins is the South Division match to watch of the final week. This match will determine almost all of the playoff seeds for this insanely close top 3. Unfortunately for CB Royal, they cannot get higher than 3rd seed for this group, but this match could have implications on whether or not Crimson Dolphins or NSG Infinity secure that round 1 playoff bye for the South.
East Division:
Congratulations to VBU Argon and Twin Spirits for each locking in the 1st and 2nd seed for playoffs. Similarly to the North Division, the East Division has a fun race but only between 2 teams for the 3rd seed in this group. VBU Argon joins CB Rangers in the teams with a guaranteed playoff round 1 bye.
VBU Argon 9-0, 18-2, 52 Points Highest Possible Points - 58 Lowest Possible Points - 54 Matchups Remaining: NSG Gold

VBU Argon is in the same exact boat as CB Rangers in the North Division. Win or lose, FF to them, or they FF to you, you guys secure the 1st seed and the round 1 playoff bye for the East Division. Your match also has zero implications on the rest of the playoff seeding for this group. This final week is a great week to relax and prepare for your playoff run, which I fully expect to go to Finals, barring no strange upsets.
Twin Spirits 7-2, 14-6, 44 Points
Highest Possible Points - 50
Lowest Possible Points - 46
Matchups Remaining: Mythos Purple

Twin Spirits vs Mythos Purple is the match of the week for the East Division. This match has no implications on Twin Miracles, as they already have the 2nd playoff seed locked up. However losing to Mythos Purple guarantees that Mythos Purple make playoffs, and with Mythos Purple having a hot streak recently, the chances are not bad. Twin Spirits get to either be dream crushers, or dream enablers.
Mythos Purple 5-4, 10-10, 36 Points Highest Possible Points - 42 Lowest Possible Points - 38 Matchups Remaining: Twin Spirits

Mythos Purple entered this league late, and had a rough start to their run. Despite this, they have found their stride and are looking to secure the 3rd seed for the East Division heading into playoffs. That being said, they play Twin Spirits, who look strong and steady as the 2nd seed in the East Division.
Literal Monkeys 4-5, 10-12, 34 Points Highest Possible Points - 40 Lowest Possible Points - 36

Matchups Remaining: Classic Esports Unfortunately for Literal Monkeys, the only thing they can do is make sure to win their match 2-0. After that, they rely on Twin Spirits being dream crushers to help Literal Monkeys come back into the playoffs. That being said, Classic Esports is the exact team you want to see for this situation, and other than CB Obsidian, Mythos Purple’s toughest match would be Twin Spirits. Despite losing to Mythos Purple recently, Literal Monkeys could take their 3rd seed for playoffs back, and it does not seem too far out of reach, but almost entirely out of their control.
West Division:
Congratulations to CB Obsidian for securing the round 1 playoff bye 1st seed for the West Division. And like the South Division, all 3 seeds have been locked up, with Collective Cosmic and Limitless Chaos battling to get either the 2nd or 3rd seed for the West Division.
CB Obsidian 9-0, 18-2, 52 Points Highest Possible Points - 58 Lowest Possible Points - 54

Matchups Remaining: Limitless Chaos
As we discussed with CB Rangers and VBU Argon, CB Obsidian locks their 1st seed playoff bye regardless of how this final week goes. The only thing this match does, is that if they lose to Limitless Chaos, it could potentially swap up 2nd and 3rd seed for this Division. I fully expect to see this team make Finals, outside of any minor slipups in semi-finals.
Collective Cosmic 6-3, 13-7, 42 Points Highest Possible Points - 48
Lowest Possible Points - 44

Collective Cosmic vs VBU Plutonium is the match to watch this week in the West Division. Even though VBU Plutonium cannot make playoffs, they have been on a massive winning streak these last few weeks, and can help bump Collective Cosmic down to 3rd seed if the stars align.
Limitless Chaos 5-4, 13-9, 40 Points

Highest Possible Points - 46
Lowest Possible Points - 42
Limitless Chaos is happy to lock that playoff seed no matter what happens, because their final match is their toughest match of the season. However, a 2-0 victory over CB Obsidian would be a massive confidence booster for playoffs, and if Collective Cosmic slip up and lose to VBU Plutonium 0-2, they will get that 2nd playoff seed,
Week 10 Predictions:
KQC (L) 0 - CB Rangers (W) 2 Imperial Gaming (W) 2 - Gob Squad (L) 1 Oasis NADs (W) 2 - Final Esports (L) 0
Mad Rawrs (W) 2 - NSG Amethyst (L) 0
Dead Orbit (L) 0 - NSG Infinity (W) 2
CB Royal (W) 2 - Crimson Dolphins (L) 1
Classic Esports (L) 0 - Literal Monkeys (W) 2
VBU Argon (W) 2 - NSG Gold (L) 0 Twin Spirits (W) 2 - Mythos Purple (L) 1
Limitless Chaos (L) 0 - CB Obsidian (W) 2
Collective Cosmic (W) 2 - VBU Plutonium (L) 1
Silverline (L) 1 - Shrimp Fried Rice (W) 2
Top 16:
Any changes from last week will be shortly described next to the team. 1 - CB Obsidian (=) 2 - VBU Argon (+1) Despite losing Kral Sultan, and not having Toxin for some games, this team is still looking unbeatable in their division.
3 - CB Rangers (-1) Of the top 3 teams, this team seems to be the weakest based on performances, however, it is hard to judge exactly due to no cross-division play.
4 - Collective Cosmic (=)
5 - NSG Infinity (=)
6 - Twin Spirits (=)
7 - Oasis NADs (=)
8 - Limitless Chaos (=)
9 - Mythos Purple (+2) Mythos Purple have really stepped it up, and may even make playoffs despite having a rough situation in regards to having a playoff run.
10 - CB Royal (=)
11 - Crimson Dolphins (-2) Crimson Dolphins have been underperforming (or has the rest of the South just improved while they stay the same?) and I fully expect them to lose to CB Royal this week, so I had to move them below CB Royal.
12 - Imperial Gaming (+1) Imperial Gaming is looking to secure their 3rd seed for the North Division, and I actually believe it will happen, and that moves them above Gob Squad.
13 - Literal Monkeys (+1) Despite a loss, I believe Literal Monkeys division is a bit tougher than Gob Squads, and therefore have moved them directly above Gob Squad.
14 - Gob Squad (-2) A rough few weeks for Gob Squad has me dropping them a little bit in the power rankings, but they still have a slim chance at playoffs.
15 - VBU Plutonium (+1) Of all the teams not making playoffs for sure, this is by far the best looking one, and purely due to recency bias.
16 - Dead Orbit (-1) Dead Orbit cannot make playoffs, but they are on a similar level to VBU Plutonium, but VBU has looked better lately, and I would love to see these two teams compete against each other.
Just Out - Final Esports, Mad Rawrs, Shrimp Fried Rice Closing Thoughts
This final week, we have a more solidified group of teams likely or already guaranteed to make playoffs. The South and West Division have already locked their 3 playoff teams, while the North and East Division still have battles for their 3rd seed. These are the teams, and what playoff seeds I expect to see in playoffs. North Division: South Division: 1st - CB Rangers 1st - NSG Infinity 2nd - Oasis NADS 2nd - CB Royal
3rd - Imperial Gaming 3rd - Crimson Dolphins East Division: West Division: 1st - VBU Argon 1st - CB Obsidian 2nd - Twin Spirits 2nd - Collective Cosmic 3rd - Mythos Purple 3rd - Limitless Chaos
Teams Battling for Playoff Seeds/Knocked Out of Playoffs:
Teams with Playoff Seeds Guaranteed:
CB Rangers
Oasis NADs
Crimson Dolphins
NSG Infinity
CB Royal
VBU Argon
Twin Spirits
CB Obsidian
Collective Cosmic
Limitless Chaos
Teams Likely to not miss Playoffs: Imperial Gaming
Mythos Purple Teams Battling to Keep or Steal a Playoff Seed: Gob Squad Final Esports Literal Monkeys
Teams Eliminated from Playoffs: KQC
Dead Orbit Mad Rawrs
NSG Amethyst
NSG Gold Classic Esports
VBU Plutonium
Shrimp Fried Rice