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Week 5 Gold Power Rankings

Blue Otter

East Division Hello, it’s Toxin! As I was laying in bed, about to go to sleep and get my normal 7 hours of sleep for the night, I realized something. I forgot to do the power rankings. You know what that means: speed run time! Instead of going into a lot of detail like I normally do, I’m just going to speed run through each of the teams and their rankings as quickly as possible. Let’s hop right into it.

1. Radiant Storm Onslaught (+1)

RSO moved up to first place this week after an impressive showing at the Mid Season Tournament, where they finished first. Although this team stumbled out of the gate, it’s hard for me to make an argument that this team is not currently the best in the league, let alone best in the division. MinuteMilita is looking like the MVP of the league, which makes sense considering his pedigree as a S3 BOL plat champion. He is the player to watch on this roster.

2. Limitless Excel (+2)

In second place this week is Limitless Excel. Speaking of second place, they were able to finish second in the Mid Season Tournament. Although they lost in the finals, I think this team is ramping up and should be a strong candidate to win the league. The player to watch is Buckbee, as he is the number one IER player in the league right now. Hopefully he keeps that up for the second half of the season.

3. Singed’s Crab Shack (=)

This team did about as well as expected in the MST last week by beating Monkeys Rising but losing to CB X. I think that this team has the potential to make a deep playoff run, but they are still relatively raw talents. The sky's the limit for their potential as players, but we shall see how high they are able to climb this split. Eyes are on VIN0 to be the stable presence in the top lane that keeps this team in games.

4. Goon Squad Gaming Sigma (-3)

Falling two spots this week is GSG Sigma. What can I say, this team legitimately griefed the tournament by having all of their players off role and having a sub play. It’s pretty clear in my eyes that this team did not show up with the intention of winning, and I’m not gonna write off the MST as if it never happened. I will give them some leniency and keep them in the top 4, as they should be a playoff roster, but they can’t grief like that again and expect to win the league.

5. NSG Gold (=)

Since every other team in this division all ended up being first round exits in the MST, I wanted to put more emphasis on Week Four’s matchups to tie break. I think that NSG Gold taking down GSG Sigma was a big win for them and reason to keep this team in the number 5 position. Rather than move this team any higher, this win justified why I have been putting them here for the last few weeks. Look at SOM as their player to watch for the rest of the split.

6. Big Duck Entourage (=)

This team continues to have roster troubles every single week, which is why despite their record putting them in fourth place, they sit outside of the playoff picture in my power rankings. The success of the team will never be stable unless you can actually build on your wins from week to week. It feels like they are starting from scratch every week, which is why I think they will ultimately flame out this season. I’m looking forward to them either proving me wrong or fielding multiple new players this week. 7. Literal Monkeys (+1)

Hey, you guys beat Revolution Gold! Getting the first win in the books is definitely a big accomplishment, however the road ahead only gets harder from here. In order to make the playoffs, I don’t think there is room to drop any more series this split. It’s doable, but definitely an uphill battle. I’m looking forward to hopefully seeing the BOL Stonks I put into this team increase in value. That being said though, beating Revolution only moves you up one spot for now.

8. Revolution Gold (-1)

Unfortunately, Revolution has yet to win a game this season, and it is not looking likely that it will happen in the second half either. This team is a development roster; that is set in stone at this point. As long as they can continue to keep their chins up and enter each game with a positive mindset, I think that will go a long way for their individual success in the future.

My Predictions for this week:

Literal Monkeys 2-1 NSG Gold

Singed’s Crab Shack 2-1 GSG Sigma

Limitless Excel 2-0 Revolution Gold

Radiant Storm Onslaught 2-0 Big Duck Entourage

Imperial Gaming 2-0 Nitwits in Purgatory

Nails and Day Spa 2-1 Monkeys Rising

Reign Gaming 2-1 Krakens of Love

CB X 2-1 Conduit Esports

West Division Sup, It’s Wakka! Back it after our first ever Mid Season Tournament coming back in week 5 of BOL Gold Season 6. For these team rankings we are taking MST into account a very tiny bit just to break off some really close ties we had discussed. We will of course still talk about what happened in week 4 before the MST so both will be a factor in this week's rankings. With that I am looking forward to seeing all the beautiful faces of BOL on the rift as we get kicked off in this week's team power rankings!

1. Conduit Esports (=)

Still alive at our number 1 spot in the west division is Conduit Esports. Conduit had a pretty handled victory over Reign in its week 4 matchup winning 2-0 in around 30 minutes both games, with superb play on Ayngenetics playing ezreal twice. While in the MST they however played bottom team Rev from the East and the Reign again. 2 matches they easily ousted. Then when it came to LXX in the Semifinals they ended up losing to the East’s number 3 seed. While JJH was out the entire tournament it really does not affect their placement in the standings or rankings. They have a HUGE game this week as they play CB X for the top spot in the West division expect a banger of a series from these two.

Player to Watch - JJH, Kappa Krusader

JJH has some real tough competition this week going against one of the top Mid laners in the league, Kaiten, which will be a really hard matchup and should be super fun to watch in the mid lane. Also we have Kappa Krusader who will have a good matchup into Anderson Cooper. The Volatility of this series will be around the better Mid Jungle synergy.

2. Imperial Gaming (=)

IG is still one of the top teams in this division who I believe will still be fighting for that number 1 seed going into playoffs in a couple weeks if they can finish off the season strong taking some 2-0 victories with them. In week 4 they had kind of a rough time versus NADS as they took them to game 3, still a good win nonetheless. While in the MST they had NSG Gold which they beat in the first round and then actually lost in quarters to LXX. While IG was dominating in the game and even still had more kills at the end, it seemed like a big throw from a winning stance they had. Lets hope they figure that out and continue to be a strong contender for the remainder of the season.

Player to Watch - Azurexfire

I would love to see Azure come back strong after week 4 and the MST and have a pop off series against a supposed weaker team. I still really like NIPs mid Eastonn08 and really think this should be a fun matchup in the mid to see but i really think Azure is gonna come in with a spicy pick this week and get fed and just snowball the game out of control early

3. CB X (=)

Though CBX has a real chance at still taking the number 1 seed in this division they need a couple things to fall into place. First they need this win in week 5 over Conduit (who is in first place right now) which will give them sole first place in the West. Second they need to fix the drafting issue, it truly has been their biggest weakness as a team is the drafting. I feel like they beat themselves more than other teams beat them. While in week 4 they 2-0 stomped Monkeys Rising and then going into the MST they looked like a possible favorite. Smashed LitMon Game 1 and dismantled Singed’s Crab Shack in quarters they had a really tough time getting anything done against RSO in the semifinals, which said early was kinda just a huge draft diff. Big week 5 coming up as they fight for first should be a banger series

Player to Watch - Kaiten

As I even mentioned this amazing matchup in the mid lane earlier, I still stand by this should be the match of the week with all eyes on deck for this series. Kaiten needs to show up in this series big time. Granted the rest of CB X should be better player wise lets hope they don't shoot themselves in the foot with bad drafting yet again.

4. Nails and Day Spa (+3)

NADS is and will be our most coinflip team in the league I think. I feel like the team just has personal beef between its players because really there is no other team as coin flip and flip floppy as NADS is right now. Coming out of week 4 and the MST there really isn't any team worse than NADS right now at the moment so this is where they lie. Week 4 was good pointers for them as they happened to take IG to a close 3 game set and then in MST beat a close team BDE and then were just destroyed by RSO. week 5 will be another test of going against a team they are pretty even with in the standing lets see which side of the coin lands on in this match.

Player to Watch - Kleio

A good key anchor to the NADS team is Kleio. They need to have a good game and series to keep their team afloat by, A keeping botlane Trux ahead and winning to keep them going forward positively and then B to later help the team as a whole in teamfights on their support pick. This is also I think the biggest gap in players from each team Kleio should be able to bring the Sup diff through this series.

5. Monkeys Rising (-1)

Monkeys Rising hasn't really done anything to climb up in the rankings since week4 and the MST and nothing major to drop them too much. The week 4 loss to CBX and then got beat by SCS in the first round of the MST. Around this 4-6 spot is a perfect fit for Monkeys rising as they can beat some of the lower teams but have struggled against some of the better teams.

Player to Watch - Chinese Spy

If Monkeys want a good matchup versus NADS this week mid needs to at least go even or get ahead because all the other lanes for NADS are coin flip whereas mid is the only consistent player on the roster. If Chinese spy can get ahead and avoid the possible camp and dives from NADS jungler this series should be a ton closer.

6. Reign Gaming (-1)

Yes reign gaming may have pulled off a pretty large upset beating the number 1 team in the standing for the East GSG in the MST. I'd have to put a small asterisk next to it as GSG was playing with a sub and then also everyone off roled so kind of a troll game from GSG but still a win nonetheless. In week 4 they got 0-2’d by Conduit and in this upcoming game they go against Krakens of Love which in theory should be a victory and a couple more points in the pocket of Reign.

Player to Watch - SmittyEh

SmittyEh needs to play well in this series if they actually want to win. On paper they should be able to handle the Krakens but honestly Krakens have a pretty cracked Midlaner and Jungler combo and if it is snowballed from them the games are just over. SmittyEh is my player to watch because mid is the only win con for Krakens

7. Krakens of Love (+1)

Finally Krakens of love were able to take an entire series not just a single win as in week 4 they beat NIP 2-1 and many of the players just popped off. TheForgotten0ne is top 5 IER in the entire league from Krakens. If they had any bit of a manageable team around them before this point in the season they maybe even could have been a playoff team. There still might be a slight chance they make it though if they can win 2-3 last series vs some middle bottom teams and then a hard week 7 matchup vs CBX. kinda jumping on the Krakens hype train if they continue to win.

Player to Watch - TheForgotten0ne

This player needs to pop off and continue to play at a top tier mid laner level. The rest of the team just isn't good enough to be star players, mainly the bot lane is the weakest point of the roster with Top being a serviceable player and that is it I dont think ive seen Krakens botlane play well this season. So the pressure and weight are put on mids back.

8. Nitwits in Purgatory (-2)

Losing in week 4 to the then bottom team and then a poor performance at the MST it seems only fair to put NIP as our last spot in this week's rankings. I've been on the NIP Copium bus for a while because I do think Eastonn8 is a good mid laner and adc and jungle have had good games. But they still have a good series win over NADS and are still sitting in playoff contention. Tough week here as they play IG but if they can take a game off anything helps them trying to make the playoffs.

Player to Watch - Eastonn8

Eastonn8 is the mid with the highest damage share in the entire league with a 33.8% damage share. If I recall, even last season on Gob Squad it’s close to the same thing where they were the top damage share on the team and maybe even in the league. And those numbers will need to be high again this week if they want to contend versus Imperial and keep fighting for playoff points. So a big game out of Eastonn should mean big things for NIP.

Wakka's Predictions for this week:

Literal Monkeys 1-2 NSG Gold

Singed’s Crab Shack 1-2 GSG Sigma

Limitless Excel 2-0 Revolution Gold

Radiant Storm Onslaught 2-0 Big Duck Entourage

Imperial Gaming 2-0 Nitwits in Purgatory

Nails and Day Spa 2-1 Monkeys Rising

Reign Gaming 1-2 Krakens of Love

CB X 2-0 Conduit Esports

Wakkas Predictions Season Record


West All Star team of the Week: (Week 4)

Top Lane: Altazi Jungle: Anderson Cooper

Mid Lane: TheForgotten0ne

AD Carry: Ayngenetics Support: | Rin |

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