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Writer's pictureBlue Otter

Week 7 Silver Scrapes Plat

All Eazy’s BOL 1st Team

We got some of the most impressive games listed below by players from last week's best of 3s. We talking


Tune in to Platinum Bol streams on Tuesdays they got banter and rp giveaways

Top - GreatJace from EQ Light

(Renekton 3/1/4 & Renekton 4/2/11)

Jungle - Avocadossuck from RDO

(Olaf 10/2/8 & Evelynn 11/2/6)

Mid - Bladegod from !Rawr

(Yasuo 17/2/3 & Syndra 12/0/3)

ADC - Punchypanic from Chubby Babies

(Game 1 Ezreal 4/4/2 & Game 2 Ashe 16/3/9 & Game 3 Aphelios 10/1/1)

Support - Lazerbite from Serenity

(Morgana 1/0/10 & Blitzcrank 2/1/20 )

All Eazy’s BOL 2nd Team

Top - Claśsykru from Crosspoint Southpaw

(Renekton 8/2/4 & Sett 9/3/4)

Jungle - FallN from Booyah

(Game 1 Evelynn 13/1/9 & Game 3 Morgana 9/4/6)

Mid - Årch from Oasis Nemesis

(Game 1 Corki 11/0/4 & Game 2 Azir 6/2/2 & Game 3 Corki 6/1/5)

ADC - Shewasnice from Serenity

(Xayah 6/0/4 & Xayah 9/3/10)

Support - Bangbusdriver from Oasis Nemesis

(Game 1 Alistar 0/1/12 & Game 3 Braum 1/2/14)

All Eazy’s BOL 3rd Team

Top - Greedee from !Rawr Lethal

(Shen 5/4/14 & Ornn 1/0/4 )

Jungle - Šùmmòner 1 from Serenity

(Nidalee 4/3/6 & Graves 10/3/11)

Mid - Dragonic70 from Literal Monkeys

(Game 1 Zoe 3/1/1 & Game 2 Zoe 6/1/11 & Game 3 Corki 7/0/4)

ADC - Hypnotic Viper from EQ Light

(Aphelios 14/2/6 & Ezreal 7/1/3)

Support - GreatHomie from EQ Light

(Karma 3/2/14 & Karma 1/2/12)

Week 7 Player Rankings

OK OK we had a lot of games go to game 3. We also had top players facing other top players so you might see a lot of movement in the top 5’s for some roles. Teams also used subs so if you notice someone completely disappears from the top 5 it might be because they didn't play this week. I tried to mix it up a bit this week including some writing bits along with the rankings. Let me know if you guys enjoyed this more or if I should just scrap the whole thing. Honestly I'm also curious how many of you fools are actually reading all of this because at this point I'm just going to type random stuff but if you are reading this let me know by typing Lit Mon in the bol general chat for a chance to win a mystery skin. Without further ado here are Eazy's top 5 players in every role for bol plat week 7.

Top Lane

  1. Jace from EQ Light

  2. Blam1ng from Serenity

  3. Joey Desu from Glacial Rising Phoenix

  4. Peachbuzz Fizzle from Oasis Nemesis

  5. Dannyphantòm from RDO

Honorable Mentions - Shadowballs000 from Chubby Babies, Greedee from !Rawr

No one should be surprised by the person on top of all the top lane shuffles. Jace remains on top for yet another week after 2 solid games of Renekton vs EQ Storm. Here's hoping someone knocks him off because I'm getting tired of putting this kid at number 1. If not that's cool I can just copy paste him into the first spot next week. This is where things get crazy Blam1ng from Serenity is up one spot from third last week moving up right behind him is Joey Desu from Glacial Rising Phoenix now sitting at third. Listen I know Joey Desu and co lost 2-1 to Booyah in their best of three but he had consistent showings in all three games and that was enough to move him up this week. Not all stonks are going up though as next up we have Peachbuzz Fizzle from Oasis Nemesis who drops from second to fourth this week. Some may argue that he was facing another top team in the league being the Chubby Babies but when you are ranked the second best top laner in the league and play the fifth best having been Shadowballs000 I need more than what I got. Shelf the Singed that isn’t it chief. No longer just an honorable mention we have Dannyphantòm from Rising Dawn Obsidian swapping spots with Shadowballs000. Although RDO had an easier opponent being Stonk Squad this is the same team albeit with different players that upset booyah last week. Throughout all the moves and shuffles Dannyphantòm has maintained his rock solid status in the top lane consistently showing he can hang. As much as I love the Chubby Babies and Shadowballs000 he was just too hit or miss in this most recent series vs Oasis Nemesis for me to let him keep the fifth slot.


  1. Hot Russian Girl (MinuteMilitia) from EQ Light (Eazy's Note Hey Cutie =3)

  2. FallN from Booyah

  3. Šùmmòner 1 from Serenity

  4. LatexMonkeyNuts from Rawr!

  5. Èndless from Glacial Rising Phoenix

Honorable Mentions - Avocadossuck from RDO, Pat Fussÿ from Oasis Nemesis

Moving on from the Top Lane next up we have jungle diff. Honestly we had a great series with Glacial Rising Phoenix vs Booyah and before I get into it I do need to put out an apology as last week I did forget to have FallN from Booyah in my top 5. Overall that series does account for the biggest shuffle in positioning this week and as a byproduct of that series we have Hot Russian Girl from EQ Light sneaking into first place. Now just to touch on that great series once more between Glacial Rising Phoenix vs Booyah it's important to note that Èndless from Glacial Rising Phoenix was ranked first last week and has fallen down to fifth now. This isn't only because he lost the series to FallN from Booyah. The series was definitely hard fought but looking back at the previous weeks I noticed Glacial Rising Phoenix had also lost to !Rawr and another top jungler being LatexMonkeyNuts and they lost 2-1 to Oasis Nemesis who has Pat Fussÿ. The point I'm trying to make is I gambled on him to have a good series which would cement him as a top 3 jungler and now I'm not so sure. Next up we have the red hot Šùmmòner 1 from Serenity who remain undefeated with him in the active roster. Although the argument can be made that Šùmmòner 1 has played against easier competition, the point stands that he's performed well and his team has followed. Holding down fourth for us this week is LatexMonkeyNuts from Rawr! down a spot from third last week. Okay, before Greedee starts spamming my inbox saying he thinks LatexMonkeyNuts is the best jungler in the league I need it to be noted that as of late it has been their mid laner that has shined the brightest. Now to be fair I don't know how much of that is LatexMonkeyNuts setting up camping grounds near mid. The way I see it, if !Rawr wants to be able to hang with other top teams, they should start looking towards helping out the other lanes and that starts with the jungle.

Mid Lane

  1. Årch from Oasis Nemesis

  2. GreatScruff from EQ Light

  3. BladeGod from !Rawr Lethal

  4. Polaroids from Serenity

  5. Skìzz from Glacial Rising Phoenix

Honorable Mentions - Jesus3114 from CB, Bmie from RDO (didn't play last week so was removed from rankings)

Lane Kingdom. Mid diff. WOO AM I. Arguably the most important lane in the game right now and the kings of BOL Platinum league for the most part haven't even really been challenged at all yet. Similar to Jace in the top lane, Årch from Oasis Nemesis is the clearcut number one mid. Nuff said. Honestly number two being GreatScruff from EQ Light is in a similar position but may soon face a challenge from third ranked BladeGod from !Rawr Lethal if he keeps up his recent string of insane performances and his team keeps winning. For now even though it was earlier on in the season loses !Rawr suffered in week one to both EQ Light and Serenity keep him locked in at third. In fourth we have Polaroids aka Eazy aka Epiphany aka False Prophets aka Thuvaragan789 aka Am I A Villain. Although he may not always have the most eye popping stats or pop off as often as his higher ranked counterparts he seems to manage playing second or sometimes even third or fourth fiddle to his teammates well. He will have shit farm after 20 minutes because his adc Shewasnice is a greedy pig. Team diff so Polaroids gets fourth. Fifth we have Skìzz from Glacial Rising Phoenix who although his team lost the series played well in two of three games. Unfortunately this does cost him as every other mid on top of him won their team series while playing well so he falls in the rankins.


  1. Shewasnice from Serenity

  2. Punchypanic from Chubby Babies

  3. Hypnotic Viper from EQ Light

  4. Yoshıko from Oasis Nemesis

  5. Mhtruz14 from Booyah

Honorable Mentions - Mkrty from Glacial Rising Phoenix, d7 Fake from RDO

Shewasnice from Serenity remains atop of the adc pool with another great statline managing to have kill stolen from his mid laner a whopping 18 times in their Bo3 verus Flash the Disrespect. In case you were wondering 18 is the total number of assists Polaroids the mid from Serenity had in the series. Closing in on him though is some solid competition in the form of Punchypanic from Chubby Babies. Chubby Babies lost to Oasis Nemesis but it sure as hell wasn't because of Punchypanic. He was 10/1/1 on Aphelios when game three ended and they lost the series. We have a great redemption story coming up for you in the third spot here is Hypnotic Viper from EQ Light, former top 16 adc. Early on it was tough to put him higher up on the list due to his teammates all having some great games but as the season has progressed they have begun to lean on him more as a consistent performer and he has delivered. I can’t say with certainty if I believe he can contend for the first or second spot, but if he continues to play well and his team keeps winning it may become hard to deny him. Yoshıko from Oasis Nemesis finds himself down a spot this week after his series versus the Chubby Babies where he had a horrendous game two. That being said he did play well in the first game and the final game to close out the series with a narrow 2-1 victory. Lastly at fifth I have mhtruz14 from Booyah. He can seem kind of coin flip at times but when he does well the game generally seems to go in favor of Booyah. I know Booyah has had many roster changes recently and I was advised he would no longer be on their roster past this week. If anyone needs a good adc who in most cases can hang, give this guy a call as he seems like a stand up dude.


  1. GreatHomie from EQ Light

  2. Bangbusdriver from Oasis Nemesis

  3. Lazerbite from Serenity

  4. iBeyondGodly from Booyah

  5. Iwagakure from !Rawr Lethal

Honorable Mentions - Yauma from Glacial Rising, Hook and Fisted from CB

No surprises at the first or second ranked support spots as GreatHomie from EQ Light, and Bangbusdriver from Oasis Nemesis continue to hold down these spots. Let's be honest. These guys are two of the best supports on two of the best teams. It's really that simple. Coming for the crown though we have another good support Lazerbite from Serenity who haven’t dropped a game since he's been acquired. While considered one of the top teams they were also one of the more inconsistent teams having dropped a game to an underdog RDO team back in week 4. Since his acquisition and the return of Šùmmòner 1 the team has looked much better in the early game and the number of random mistakes or caught out moments have decreased. Booyah even with all the roster swaps and moving around of players have continued to chug forward just fine winning a tough series vs Glacial Rising Phoenix. I believe iBeyondGodly played a key role in securing the victory for them in the Bo3 with his solid play on Alistar and Leona. Lastly we Iwagakure from !Rawr Lethal. Let me paint a picture for you. Batman is Bladegod (!Rawr Mid), Robin is LatexMonkeyNuts (!Rawr Jungler) and Alfred is Iwagakure playing support. He keeps everyone together and they continue winning.

Thanks for checking out my work. As always let me know if you have any ideas for changes or new types of content that you would enjoy and I’ll see what I can do.

If you didn't enjoy a specific aspect of content do let me know as well as I can look to replace it with a fresh idea moving forward. I appreciate you sticking around til the end and best of luck with this week's upcoming games.

Discord Eazy#1423 (eazy aka epiphany aka polaroids)

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