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Blue Otter

Competitive Ruling - Flexski (Khan Esports)


On May 5th, an anonymous tip was received that the Khan Esports jungler, Flexski, could have undisclosed accounts or alternate accounts that is possibly above the eligibility cap for Blue Otter Diamond. Evidence was provided that Flexski claimed to be a GM jungler on his twitch account and on the same day, Flexski removed it from his twitch bio and said it was just a straight up lie. While it's not unheard of for players to lie about their rank, When BOL staff messaged Flexski about his past accounts and peak, Flexski told BOL staff that he peaked 178 LP. However, on 2 separate occasions, Flexski stated they were a 478 LP peak player (evidence 3). This by itself would not warrant a possible smurfing accusation and reversal of matches because Flexski could've said he peaked 5 years ago and that would longer than the scope of BOL eligibility rules. Additionally, 478 LP could have still meant 478 LP master peak since no rank context was provided. After looking through Flexski's twitch channel, it was found that he actively makes new accounts and also has over 20 banned accounts which were not disclosed. Not only would he make NA accounts, but also accounts in other regions. A reddit post was made a year ago where Flexski stated that he played in NA, LAN, EUW, EUNE, JP, KR, and OCE. In this post, he stated that he peaked over 178 LP on numerous occasions, including peaking Challenger 1530 LP on LAN (Evidence 4). When BOL staff messaged Flexski originally, he stated that none of his LAN accounts exist anymore and that none of them peaked anywhere close to Master (Evidence 7). With Flexski lying about his peak rank to BOL staff and the existence of his LAN accounts, it can been assumed these accounts were ineligible for BOL Diamond. Flexski is considered to be smurfing and will be disqualified from Blue Otter Diamond.


  1. Flexski stating their peak was 178 LP to Bully in DMs -

  2. Flexski stating they were a GM jungler and denying it-

  3. Flexski stating their peak was 478 LP in 2 different places, 3 months apart -

  4. Flexski stating they hit NA Masters 240lp LAN: Challenger 1530lp EUW: D1 EUNE: GM 600 lp Japan: D1 KR: D3 Oceanic: Masters 200lp -

  5. Screenshot of above in case the post is deleted -

  6. Proof the reddit account is the same Flexski on discord -

  7. Flexski stating that none of his LAN accounts were ever near Master -


  • Undisclosed Accounts

  • Smurfing


  • Khan Esports will be disqualified from Blue Otter Diamond

  • Elysium Dawn's loss to Khan Esports in semifinals will be reversed and Elysium will advance to BOL Diamond finals.

  • Flexski will be indefinitely banned from Blue Otter League

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