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BOL Platinum Content Delivery! Week 2

Writer's picture: TruxTrux

BEEP BEEP Here comes the BOL Platinum Content Delivery Truck! Im your driver, Trux. What an eventful second week it was! Let's discuss the highlights and then analyze our teams' anticipated performances in week 3.

Week Two Results:

  • Agni Kai 2 - 1 Subatomic Gaming Proton

    • Who would have thought that Agni Kai could lose to Subatomic Gaming? Certainly not me! Despite a bad draft and tough defeat in the first game, Agni Kai rallied a remarkable comeback, ultimately securing the series win! Agni Kai seems to be finding their stride as a team. With standout performances in every role, future teams' strategies to defeat them will intrigue me.

  • Dynasty Celestials 2 - 0 Conduit UMad

    • Game one UMAD seemed to struggle executing a straightforward pressing the "R" key strategy to win team fights. This suggests either a lack of coordination or perhaps an inability to adapt to the opposing team's tactics. Overall, Nightmare and Grim Dafyre's strong performance played a significant role in securing the win for Dynasty.

    • Game two appears to have been a chaotic close outcome. (I got invited to a Helldivers game and missed it) UMAD losing such a close game can be disheartening, but it's a testament to their will to pull back the series. I hope they use this experience as motivation to improve and come back stronger in future matches.

  • Goon Squad Gaming 2 - 0 Big Duck Entourage

    • Sole, Neck Romancer, and Finch exerted immense effort, driven by a hunger for victory following a lackluster week one.

    • While game two showcased strong teamwork, Finch's exceptional Orianna performance nearly stole the spotlight.

  • Conduit Gremlins 2 - 0 AIE Anguish

    • Can Gremlins rampage over lower ranked teams be stopped? Find out next time! Also Trackson please check Bullys paypal... how did they get such an easy first couple weeks to the split?

  • Nameless Gnomes 2 - 1 First Class Esports

    • With an almost entirely new roster, the Gnomes clinch their first victory of the split! It'll be intriguing to observe their growth over time. Could their lineup undergo yet another transformation in a couple of weeks?

The following content is not the opinion of BOL staff, but of the content creator.

Team Power Rankings: 

  1. Agni Kai - Teamwork makes the dream work. If they allow their success to inflate their egos, they could easily be overtaken from the top spot.

  2. Dynasty Celestials - The smurf on this team can't be stopped! When will Grim Dafyre be comp ruled? Stay tuned!

  3. Conduit Gremlins - Yet to prove themselves

  4. Conduit U Mad - Struggling to find cohesion

  5. Subatomic Gaming Proton - Effective draft preparation and in-game decision-making are essential factors that will rejuvenate this team's performance.

Week 2 Game Prediction Results:

  • Conduit UMad 2 - 1 Dynasty Celestials

  • Conduit Gremlins 2 - 0 AIE Anguish

  • SG Proton 2 - 1 Agni Kai

  • Goon Squad Gaming 2 - 1 Big Duck Entourage 

  • Nameless Gnomes 2 - 0 First Class Esports

Week 3 Game Predictions:

  • Conduit UMad 2 - 1 First Class Esports - UMad's opportunity to reverse season; FCE's chance to ascend.

  • Conduit Gremlins 2 - 1 Nameless Gnomes - Gremlins vs. mid-level team; Gnomes' new roster seeks cohesion for potential upset.

  • Agni Kai 2 - 1 Dynasty Celestials - Dynasty's star players face Agni Kai's coordination. Both teams lack strengths where the other excels. Expect an action-packed series.

  • Subatomic Gaming Proton 2 - 0 Big Duck Entourage - SG Proton faces do-or-die moment. Win salvages morale, or BDE plunges them into an abyss of self-doubt.

  • Goon Squad Gaming 2 - 0 AIE Anguish - Goons Squad aim for season turnaround; AIE seeks salvation.

Standout Players of Week One:

  • Top:  Wock Warlock (Agni Kai) - 409cs split push machine

  • Jungle: Pinei foi mal (Conduit Gremlins) - Role standout

  • Mid: Fìnch (Goon Squad Gaming) - 15 / 3 / 18 on Orianna carrying the series

  • ADC: Grim Dafyre (Dynasty Celestials) - Get this guy off MF holy shit

  • Support: Vidyarthi (Conduit Gremlins) - Role standout

Ranking players in roles like mid, top, and jungle has indeed be challenging, as individual performance must be balanced with the impact on team success. Some may question midlane rankings. Striking a balance between individual skill and contributions to team success is crucial in accurately gauging player rankings, making the task inherently difficult. I have done my best to make a fair assessment.

Player Rankings








AK Wock Warlock

AK TheGlizzler

AK Socks To Thighs

DC Grim Dafyre

CG Vidyarthi


SG Chai

CG Pinei foi mal

DC Níghtmarë

CM Domination2340

CM Pandaboat23


CG Jieun

GS Neck Romancer

CM Messiah117

SG Yömi

AK Funnydud99


NG  MustForgiveMe

CM Nasian

SG AlfaiatE

CG NotŠoDark

GS ThatDeckerGuy

Honorable Mentions: 

  • Níghtmarë: For fun smurf? Ancient astronaut theorists say yes!

  • MustForgiveMe The new top laner for Gnomes played a crucial role in their first win.

  • AlfaiatE, Messiah117 Both players boast impressive stats, yet lack early-game impact or team support to do so. They both need to work with their teams to remedy this situation to secure future wins.

  • Jack Gallows showcased an exceptional performance this week trying to get his team's first series win. With his remarkable efforts, he's definitely someone to watch out for in upcoming matches.

  • Gvgnumber1 + NotŠoDark + Jieun: These players are eagerly awaiting a worthy challenger to test their skills.

Fan Opinion:

  • "CUM is being dragged down solely by their top laner. Otherwise they'd be a good team".

  • "AK is being severely underrated and should be in contention for the best team."

  • "Conduit Gremlins is the best team in the league"

  •  "Notorious TLP - Is Underrated | Wock Warlock - will win MVP | Pinei for mal - smurfing"

  • "Glizzler is unsung MVP of AK"

  • "NotSoDark is a giga-adc mah gawd"

  • "Domination2340 is absolutely clapped. Nightmare and Chai are smurfs. I found their GM accounts on EU."

Fan Team Rankings Last Week: 

Information gathered from public vote and quantified using rank choice voting

  1. Conduit Gremlins

  2. Subatomic Gaming Proton

  3. Conduit UMad

  4. Dynasty Celestials

  5. Agni Kai

Fan Team Rankings This Week: 

  1. Agni Kai

  2. Conduit Gremlins

  3. Subatomic Gaming Proton

  4. Dynasty Celestials

  5. Conduit UMad

Fan Player Rankings:

  1. Nightmare

  2. Fini

  3. Pinei foi mal

Stay tuned for another exciting week of Platinum action!

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