BEEP BEEP Here comes the BOL Platinum Content Delivery! I'm your driver, Trux. What a week of 2-0 sweeps! Let's discuss the highlights and then analyze our teams' anticipated performances in week 3.

Week Three Results:
Conduit UMad 2 - 0 First Class Esports
Despite achieving a 2-0 victory, the extended 40-minute matches revealed a struggle, raising concerns for UMAD's continued performance. The wins should have been more decisive for a team of their caliber.
Conduit Gremlins 2 - 0 Nameless Gnomes
The Gremlins duo bot lane demonstrated their potential as the team's cornerstone, effectively contributing to the 2-0 victory. After a hard-fought second game, it was evident that the Gremlins couldn't secure the win as decisively as against weaker opponents.
Dynasty Celestials 2 - 0 Agni Kai
Dynasty's botlane, led by Grim Dafyre and FoxStepBro, essentially carried the series with an exceptional performance. Feathers and Batman demonstrated their capability as a reliable backbone for the team, particularly against formidable opponents.
Subatomic Gaming Proton 2 - 0 Big Duck Entourage
Clean 2-0 wipe
Goon Squad Gaming 2 - 0 AIE Anguish
Finch impresses again with his trademark pick Oriana, leading to a decisive 2-0 win for Goons despite a slow game 1.

The following content is not the opinion of BOL staff, but of the content creator.
Team Power Rankings:
Dynasty Celestials - Strong bot lane with a good foundation for jungle and top. It all depends what mid laner shows up.
Conduit Gremlins - Easy first three weeks, still awaiting tough challenger.
Subatomic Gaming Proton - Did acquiring a new jungler salvage the season?
Conduit U Mad - Struggling to find cohesion
Agni Kai - Could this team spiral out of control post-loss?
Week 3 Game Prediction Results:
Conduit UMad 2 - 1 First Class Esports
Conduit Gremlins 2 - 1 Nameless Gnomes
Agni Kai 2 - 1 Dynasty Celestials
Subatomic Gaming Proton 2 - 0 Big Duck Entourage
Goon Squad Gaming 2 - 0 AIE Anguish
Week 4 Game Predictions:
Agni Kai 2 - 0 First Class Esports - Should be a good rebound game for Agni Kai after last weeks tough loss.
Conduit UMAD 2 - 0 Nameless Gnomes - With the non stop roster changes its hard to tell what nameless team will show up.
Dynasty Celestials 2 - 0 Big Duck Entourage - Should be a layup for DC.
Subatomic Gaming Proton 2 - 0 AIE Anguish - Another team for Proton to sharpen their teeth on as they try to rebound the season.
Conduit Gremlins 2 - 0 Goon Squad Gaming Both teams chance to prove themselves against tougher opponents.
Standout Players of Week One:
Top: Feathers (Dynasty Celestials) - Stood in Wock's face and gave him nothing
Jungle: Batman (Dynasty Celestials) - Anchor for his team vs a strong opponent
Mid: Fìnch (Goon Squad Gaming) - 13 / 1 / 19 on Orianna for his series
ADC: Yomi (Subatomic Gaming Proton) - Pop off week
Support: Vidyarthi (Conduit Gremlins) - Strong backbone support putting up numbers.

Player Rankings
Rank | Top | Jungle | Mid | ADC | Support |
1 | AK Wock Warlock | CG Pinei foi mal | AK Socks To Thighs | DC Grim Dafyre | CG Vidyarthi |
2 | SG Chai | DC Batman | DC Níghtmarë | CM Domination2340 | DC FoxStepBro |
3 | CG Jieun | AK TheGlizzler | CM Messiah117 | SG Yömi | SG Cheongseolmo |
4 | DC Feathers | GS Neck Romancer | SG AlfaiatE | CG NotŠoDark | GS ThatDeckerGuy |
Comments on rankings:
Looking ahead, player rankings may heavily depend not just on skill but also on their ability at adapting to mid-season team struggles and collaborating effectively with teammates, particularly amidst early-season roster changes.

Fan Opinion:
Will return with next weeks content.
Stay tuned for another exciting week of Platinum action!