As we kick off Season 2 of BOL Plat, plenty of new and old faces join. To get a better understanding of the people who make up Platinum, I will be interviewing main characters around scene to dive into BOL’s newest additions. The goal is to be able to showcase all the different elements that make up BOL Platinum in an informative and interesting read.
On Tuesday afternoon, I was able to sit down with the captain of one of the newest teams in BOL, Dinkkleburrrrrg. Leading JusticeforPhilly this split, Dinkkleburg gives an inside look on how his Superleague team ended up finding Blue Otter.
Flay: Hey Dinkleburrrrrg, how are you doing today?
Dinkeburrrrrg: Pretty good, how about yourself Flay?
Flay: Good, so let’s begin in looking on how you guys even got here, rumor has it that you guys are from Superleague. So, how did you guys even hear about BOL?
Dinkleburrrrrg: Basically, we were googling leagues, and stumbled across BOL. We were just trying to get some more practice for my team and I, and BOL looked like a great place to play.
Flay: Seeing that you guys had no real experience with the league though, what exactly looked good about it?
Dinkleburrrrrg: I liked how active the discord was, seemed like everyone was invested into it the league which was cool.
Flay: Now finding BOL is one thing, but tell me about justice4philly, not a lot is known about this team expect for its Superleague connection, give us an overview of who you guys are.
Dinkleburrrrrg: Well we are a team of skilled league players who felt that they were wrongly left out on a SLG trip to LA all-star event. We were part of a new SLG division called Void and ended up finishing in a 3-way tie during the regular season (however we smashed playoffs). Superleague decided to choose another team over us, so that’s where the justice comes from for justiceforphilly. We’re team with a chip on our shoulders, and we want to prove we are serious contenders in every league we compete in.
Flay: You touched upon on it briefly, but explain the name justice4philly?
Dinkleburrrrrg: Well, after we got word that we weren’t going to all stars, there was a general feeling of disappointment. We felt that we deserved to be the representatives for the Void League. We ended up spamming both discord/twitch chat to bring awareness to what had happened, and it became a giant meme in SLG.
Flayedon: The Superleague experience seems to have united you guys together, however as a team itself what is your total experience playing together as a group?
Dinkleburrrrrg: Well, two of the other members chadsper, and shaman turtle have been playing together since Rowan University. Since then they have continued to take that into the league philly scene. While the rest of the team began its journey in SLG philly, and through all we have about one years’ worth of experience together.
Flayedon: The SLG experience has made you guys, but what would be the defining feature of your team?
Dinkleburrrrrg: A deep collection of pocket picks, and an ability to teamfight at an above elo level. We can all play a variety of champs. and we believe our teamfighting is at the top for our elo bracket.
Flayedon: While you guys have shown success in SLG, what are your expectations coming into this season of BOL?
Dinkleburrrrrg: We are going to win the league. As a group we practice against diamond/master teams, and we can compete at their level. If we just stick to what we do best, we will have success.
Flayedon: A lot of confidence for such a new team, any initial thoughts about BOL though?
Dinkleburrrrrg: Overall it looks pretty good, something we can get behind and grow with. Our team has a lot of character, and we think will be good in stirring the pot this split.
Flayedon: Any final statements you want to make?
Dinkleburrrrrg: Let it be known to our enemies that Philadelphia’s justice will be swift, and we look forward to playing everyone. Flayedon: Thank you for sitting down with me today Dinkleburg, and best of luck to you and your team, in your future BOL endeavors.