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Manatsu's Magazine: Platinum Week 3

Hi! Manatsu here, power ranking and predicting who will win their matches this week. If you don’t know me, I’ve played in a variety of leagues including two seasons in the Blue Otter Platinum League. With my return to playing in the league, I’ll be churning out this magazine once again. During the first few weeks of play, expect drastic shifts in power rankings as there were many ties last week and ELO is still figuring stuff out. Without further ado, let’s get started!

Power Rankings

----------West Division----------

1st CB Rush (2-0, 4-0) =

Week 2 Results: 2-0

2nd Goon Squad Gaming Epsilon (2-0, 4-0) ▲1

Week 2 Results: 2-0

3rd The Mystic Cats (2-0, 4-0) ▼1

Week 2 Results: 2-0

4th AOE God Squad (1-1, 3-3) ▲2

Week 2 Results: 2-1

5th MG Precision (1-1, 2-3) ▼1

Week 2 Results: 0-2

6th Literal Monkeys (0-2, 0-4) ▼1

Week 2 Results: 0-2

7th Radiant Storm Guardians (0-2, 1-4) =

Week 2 Results: 1-2

8th The Revolution (0-2, 0-4) =

Week 2 Results: 0-2

----------East Division----------

1st Limitless Bad Bunnies (2-0, 4-0) ▲1

Week 2 Results: 2-0

2nd VBU Monster Mash (2-0, 4-1) ▲2

Week 2 Results: 2-0

3rd Omega Gaming Unknown (2-0, 4-1) ▼2

Week 2 Results: 2-1

4th Hypnotic Gaming (1-1, 2-2) ▲2

Week 2 Results: 2-0

5th Team Ambition Tempest (1-1, 2-2) ▼3

Week 2 Results: 0-2

6th Predictive Gaming Chronos (0-2, 1-4) ▼1

Week 2 Results: 0-2

7th Stealers Gaming (0-2, 1-4) =

Week 2 Results: 1-2

8th Cosa Kittens (0-2, 0-4) ▼1

Week 2 Results: 0-2

----------Overall Rankings----------

1st CB Rush =

2nd Goon Squad Gaming Epsilon ▲2

2nd Limitless Bad Bunnies ▲2

4th The Mystic Cats ▼2

5th VBU Monster Mash ▲2

6th Omega Gaming Unknown ▼4

7th Hypnotic Gaming ▲3

8th Team Ambition Tempest ▼4

9th AOE God Squad ▲3

10th Predictive Gaming Chronos ▼2

11th MG Precision ▼2

12th Literal Monkeys ▼2

13th Radiant Storm Guardians =

14th Stealers Gaming =

15th The Revolution ▼1

16th Cosa Kittens ▼2


Week 2 Results

ELO Record: 7-1, 87.5%

Manatsu Record: 7-1, 87.5%

Overall Results

ELO Record: 11-5, 68.8%

Manatsu Record: 12-4, 75%

----------Week 3----------

Team Ambition Tempest vs Limitless Bad Bunnies

ELO Prediction: Limitless Bad Bunnies at 58.0%

Manatsu Prediction: Limitless Bad Bunnies 2-1

Predictive Gaming Chronos vs Hypnotic Gaming

ELO Prediction: Hypnotic Gaming at 55.9%

Manatsu Prediction: Hypnotic Gaming 2-1

Omega Gaming Unknown vs Cosa Kittens

ELO Prediction: Omega Gaming Unknown at 62.5%

Manatsu Prediction: Omega Gaming Unknown 2-0

Stealers Gaming vs VBU Monster Mash

ELO Prediction: VBU Monster Mash at 64.3%

Manatsu Prediction: VBU Monster Mash 2-0

Literal Monkeys vs AOE God Squad

ELO Prediction: AOE God Squad at 54.4%

Manatsu Prediction: AOE God Squad 2-1

MG Precision vs Radiant Storm Guardians

ELO Prediction: MG Precision at 52.2%

Manatsu Prediction: Radiant Storm Guardians 2-1

The Revolution vs CB Rush

ELO Prediction: CB Rush at 69.2%

Manatsu Prediction: CB Rush 2-0

Goon Squad Gaming Epsilon vs The Mystic Cats

ELO Prediction: Goon Squad Gaming Epsilon at 50.1%

Manatsu Prediction: The Mystic Cats 2-1

Players of the Week

The Challenger Team

Top: Skìzz, The Mystic Cats

Jungle: 874, Goon Squad Gaming Epsilon

Mid: fonso, Limitless Bad Bunnies

Bot: HyperLingo, Hypnotic Gaming

Sup: Snowlife, Limitless Bad Bunnies

The Grandmaster Team

Top: Panzora, VBU Monster Mash

Jungle: Flying squirtle, VBU Monster Mash

Mid: KOBEMN, Goon Squad Gaming Epsilon

Bot: Cvann, The Mystic Cats

Sup: Just a Homie, Hypnotic Gaming

The Master Team

Top: Dictator Scruff, Hypnotic Gaming

Jungle: Charižard, Predictive Caming Chronos

Mid: Manatsu, AOE God Squad

Bot: Omnific, Limitless Bad Bunnies

Sup: PanicAtTheTopHat, The Mystic Cats

Current MVP Race


1st: CornStar, The Mystic Cats, 3pts

1st: Dictator Scruff, Hypnotic Gaming, 3pts

1st: Skìzz, The Mystic Cats, 3pts


1st: 874, Goon Squad Gaming Epsilon, 5pts

2nd: Atlaś, Team Ambition Tempest, 3pts

3rd: Flying squirtle, VBU Monster Mash, 2pts


1st: fonso, Limitless Bad Bunnies, 6pts

2nd: KOBEMN, Goon Squad Gaming Epsilon, 2pts

2nd: PanicAtTheTopHat, The Mystic Cats, 2pts


1st: Buff Art, Goon Squad Gaming Epsilon, 3pts

1st: HyperLingo, Hypnotic Gaming, 3pts

2nd: Cvann, The Mystic Cats, 2pts

2nd: King Civil, Omega Gaming Unknown, 2pts


1st: Snowlife, Limitless Bad Bunnies, 5pts

2nd: Jushbox, The Mystic Cats, 3pts

3rd: Just a Homie, 2pts


1st: fonso, Limitless Bad Bunnies, 6pts

2nd: 874, Goon Squad Gaming Epsilon, 5pts

2nd: Snowlife, Limitless Bad Bunnies, 5pts

4th: Skìzz, The Mystic Cats, 4pts

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