Literal Monkeys vs Chubby Babies Shock
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Literal Monkeys vs Chubby Babies Shock

In the Northeast Corner of the Bracket, our second match sees Literal Monkeys, the second seed out of Division 1, take on the Division 2 third seed in Chubby Babies Shock. Let look at how each got here.

How Literal Monkeys got here:

The Literal Monkeys lived up to a lot of people preseason rankings finishing second in their division. Outside of the close, 1-2 defeat at the hands of ONADS, not many teams looked to really challenge them. They are the highest point getting second seed in the playoffs, only missing out of 5 points with a loss. Their week 1 match vs the Pod of Dolphins was close, but VBU, Quake, VitX, DBG, the series were clean 2-0 in favor of the monkeys. They had a nice warm up for playoffs, in their week 7 stomp of DBG and they should be ready come their round 1 playoff series.

How Chubby Babies Shock got here:

Chubby Babies Shock had a bit of a weird first 5 weeks of the season. Early on, they were able to get past teams like the Collective, another playoff team, but would slip up versus NSG Gold. After losing their rescheduled match to Twin Disasters, they needed a change. That change being the return to BuhrockObama. Making this swap going into their week 6 showdown vs Mad Rawrs, was bold, but absolutely paid off, as they were able to 2-0 the Rawrs, and their following week versus Imperial. Coming into the playoffs hot, they will come out swinging vs Literal Monkeys.

Prediction: Literal Monkeys (2) v Chubby Babies Shock (3)

This is a bit of a toss-up but looking at recent form of CB Shock with buhrock in the lineup, I have to go with them to cause a bit of an upset over the Literal Monkeys.

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